1. author= writer 作家
2. century=a hundred years 世纪、百年
3. chance= opportunity  机会
4. decision = resolution 决定
5. dishes = food 食物
6. family = home 家
7. firm = company 公司
8. first name = give name 名字
present的同义词9. last name = family name
10. gift = present 礼物
11. litter = rubbish/trash 垃圾
12. match = contest比赛
13. message = information信息
14. note = message 短信
15. part=area地区
16. pen pal = pen friend 笔友
17. photo = picture 照片
18. question= problem 问题
19. shop = store 商店
20. sight= places of interest 名胜、风景
21. some day = one day 来日、将来有一天
22. sportsman = athlete 运动员
23. spot = place 地点、场所
24. stop = station 车站
25. suggestion = advice忠告
26. table=desk 桌子
27. talk = conversation谈话
28. test= exam 考试
29. the Smiths = the Smith family 史密斯一家
30. theme = topic 主题
31. tonight = this evening 今晚
32. top dog=winner赢家
33. two times = twice 两次、两倍
34. two and a half hour = two hours and a half
35. vacation = holiday 假期
36. way = method 方法
37. work = job 工作
38. ask for help= turn to 寻求帮助
39. come again = pardon 再一次
40. act = perform 表演
41. add---to---=put ---on---把---加到---上
42. afford = buy 买;承担得起
43. allow= permit 允许;准许
44. do---by oneself= alone 单独地;独自地
45. be hungry for becoming =
    be looking forward to becoming 渴望成为
46. argue = quarrel 争论
47. arrive in = get to=reach 到达
48. be from = come from 来自
49. do well/better in = be good/better at(更)擅长于
50. be late for = miss 错过
51. be willing to do= would like to do 乐意做某事
52. believe = trust 相信
53. break down = doesn’t work 故障
54. call sb. up = give a phone call to sb. 给某人打电话
55. care about = worry about  担心
56. catch a bus = take a bus 坐公共汽车
57. choose = pick out / select 选择
58. clean out = clean up 把---打扫干净
59. clean = sweep 打扫
60. come up with = think of 提出;想出
61. continue = keep 继续
62. cross = go across 穿过
63. deal with = do with 处理;应付
64. discover = find out 发现
65. do chores = do housework 做家务事
66. drop = throw 扔
67. fix up = mend / repair 修理
68. follow = understand 理解;明白
69. get on well with = get along well with
70. get over = overcome  克服
71. give out = hand out 分发
72. give sb. A hand = help sb. 帮助某人
73. go to the movies = go to the cinema 去看电影
74. grow up = become an adult 长大
75. have a good /great/nice time
  = enjoy oneself/ oneselves 玩得很开心
76. hand in =turn in 上交
77. join = take part in 发生
78. have an eve on = have a taste of 有---的品味
79. hold on to = keep doing sth./continue doing sth.    
80. hate = dislike 恨;不喜欢
81. affect = influence 影响
82. keep ones word = keep ones promise 信守承诺
83. laugh at = make fun of 嘲笑;取笑
84. learn by oneself = teach oneself 自学
85. leave for = go to 出发去
86. look after = take care of 照顾
87. offer = provide 提供
88. pass = go by (时间)流逝
89. raise = collect 收集
90. raise money = make money 挣钱
91. realize = come true/ achieve 实现
92. receive = accept 收到;接受
93. remember = not forget 记住;不忘记
94. reply = answer 回答;答复
95. rest = break 休息
96. return = come /give back 还回
97. run away = run off 跑开;迅速离开
98. Run out of = use up 用完;耗尽
99. telephone = ring up 打电话
100. stay away from = keep away from
101. stay healthy = keep healthy
=keep sb. in good health  保持健康
102. stop = give up 停止;放弃
103. look like = take after 看起来像;长得像
104. join = take part in 参加
105. take photos = take pictures 照相
106. take some measures
    = do something useful 采取一些措施
107. think about = consider 考虑
108. try ones best
        = do ones best 尽某人的最大努力
109. walk = on foot 步行
110. mind = care 介意
111. want = would like 想要
112. write to sb. = write a letter to sb.给某人写信
113. hear from sb.= got a letter from sb.收到某人来信
114. a bit = a little 一点
115. active = positive 积极的
116. funny = amusing 滑稽的
117. expensive = dear 昂贵的
118. asleep = not awake 睡着的
119. be sure = be certain 肯定;确信
120. be different from = be not the same as 与---不同
121. be satisfied with = be pleased with 对---高兴/满意
122. afraid = terrified 害怕
123. daily = everyday 日常的
124. boring = dull 没趣的;无聊的
125. famous = well-known 著名的
126. fit = healthy 健康的
127. fashionable = in style 时尚的;流行的
128. keep quiet = keep silent 保持安静
129. look out = be careful 小心
130. many = lots of / quiet a few /
        a number of / plenty of 大量的
131. much = a lot of 许多
132. middle = central 中间的
133. safe = out of danger 安全的;脱离危险的
134. perfect = excellent /
          outstanding / wonderful 优秀的;极好的
135. rude = impolite 粗鲁的;无礼的
136. silly= foolish 愚蠢的
137. spare = free 空闲的
138. take pride in = be proud of 对---感到自豪
139. As ---as--- = the same---as---  与---一样的
140. all the time = always 一直
141. all over= around 到处
142. about = around 大约
143. at once = right away 立刻;马上
144. at the moment = now 此时;现在
145. only = do nothing but 仅仅;只有
146. hardly=seldom 几乎不;很少
147. not ---any more = not--- any longer 不再
148. so far = up till now 到目前为止
149. so = therefore 因此;所以
150. too= as well 也
151. one fourth = a quarter / fifteen minutes
152. even if = even though 即使
