  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition about “ The Earth” in three paragraphs. You are given some key words and are required to develop its ideas. Write about 120 words for your essay. Remember to write clearly on the Answer Sheet. The EarthKey Words: earth, planet, be fit for, human being, air, water, damage, pollute, use up, resource, measures, protect, importance, environmental, ways, make use of, waste, save
  3.草拟各段的主题句。明确了全文各段的主题,仅仅对如何写好这篇文章有了初步的设想。要写好文章,还相关键性的一步,这就是写出各段的主题句。主题句是作者思维的起点、扣题的准绳、阐述的对象。有了主题句,作者就能够围绕主题句实行扩展,不会偏题。写主题句时要注意以下几个问题: 完整性。完整性是指主题句必须是一个意义完整、主谓成分俱全的句子。 清晰性。清晰性是指主题句的含义要清晰明了,使人容易分清,不要含糊其词,使人感到模棱两可。 具体性。具体性是指主题句要明确具体,内涵集中,所指单一,易于段落的扩展。 准确性。准确性是指主题句用词要能确切地表达本段所写的内容,语言要精炼、生动、清晰。
  The EarthThe earth is now the only planet that is fit for human beings. The air around it forms a protection that prevents the earth from getting neither too hot nor too cold. The water, the trees, and other things on the earth are essential for man.Unfortunately, the earth we live on is severely damaged because of the high civilization. Modern factories provide us with best commodities at the cost of polluting the environment. To meet the needs of the ever-increasing population, we are using up natural resources.Measures must be taken to protect the earth. First, we should teach people the importance of the environmental protection. Second, we should make machines that will use less energy and will do the minimum damage to the environment. Third, we must figure out ways to make use of waste to save natural resources.
  Directions: Write a composition on the topic “Constant Dropping Wears the Stone”. Your composition should be based on the following key words. You are expected to includ
英语四级技巧e all of them. Remember to write clearly and present your own ideas.Key Words: coupled with, perseverance, incredible, formidable, pursuit, destined to, a case in point
  练习题 2:
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled “Unemployment”. Write no less than 120 words. Be sure to include the following words and phrases.Key Words: economic, reform, laid-off, workers, problem, inevitable, system, temporary, intelligence, iron bowl, knowledge
  练习题 3:
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic “Computers”. Your composition should be based on the following key words and expressions, and it should be no less than 120 words long.Key Words and Expressions : many changes, development, scientific research and engineering, too complicated, program, automatically, facts, take over, nothing but machines, take the place of
