2022—2023 学年高三英语二模试卷(新高考)(公共版)
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Where did the earthquake happen today?
A. In Japan.    B. In the US.    C. In China.
2. What does the woman imply about John?
A. He has a big house.
B. He always talks big.
C. He had a failed marriage.
3. What will the speakers do next?
A. Take a walk.    B. Study physics.    C. Enjoy some music.
4. How will the man go to the Holiday Inn?
A. By taxi.    B. On foot.    C. By subway.
5. What did the speakers do just now?
A. They ate at a restaurant.
B. They packed their clothes.
C. They helped an old lady.
6. When will the speakers go to the theater?
A. This afternoon.    B. Tomorrow morning.    C. Tomorrow afternoon.
7. How much does a bus tour cost per person?
A. $3.5.    B. $5.    C. $6.5.
8. Where is the woman now?
A. In Sydney.    B. In Singapore.    C. In China.
9. What is the man doing?
A. Welcoming the woman.
B. Seeing the woman off.
C. Showing the woman around.
10. What kind of wake-up call service does the man like?
A. By the operator.
B. By knocking at the door.
C. By the computer system.
11. When is the first shuttle bus to the airport?
A. At 5:00 am.    B. At 5:10 am.    C. At 5:30 am.
12. What does the man want now?
A. A computer.    B. A cup of coffee.    C. Some magazines.
13. Why does the woman need a rest?
A. She caught a bad cold.
B. She was busy with her work.
C. She stayed up late writing letters.
14. What does the woman ask the man to do?
A. Close the window.
B. Make something to eat.
C. Turn the air-conditioner off.
15. Where will the man go first?
A. The library.    B. The post office.    C. The fruit store.
16. What is the woman going to do first?
A. Read magazines.    B. Get some sleep.    C. Drink some water.
17. Where was the newborn girl discovered?
A. In a hospital.    B. In a park.    C. In a fire station.
18. How was the newborn girl?
A. She was all right.    B. She was dead.    C. She was badly hurt.
19. At what time did the homeless woman call Hope Foundation?
A. About 5:30 am.    B. About 6:00 am.    C. About 7:00 am.
20. Why didn’t the caller follow the head’s instructions?
A. She was far away from the teams.
B. She didn’t believe his words.
C. She feared to be recognized.
部分  阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分3分)
Planning and cooking meals for your entire family is practically a tricky job. The following are four best meal delivery services that can help you not only plan healthy meals, but provide the freshest food for the entire family.
If you are a person who never eats meat, or follows a specific diet like only eating gluten-free (无麸质的) food, you will find a lot of tasty options with this meal delivery service. The recipes are not time-consuming and its menu contains many organic foods and vegetables. You can pick your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks here.
If trying out a meal delivery service is something you are toying with, HelloFresh offers no-commitment plans that allow you to cancel any time. Each delivery includes the farm-sourced food materials and pre-packaged foods that can be easily stored in the refrigerator.
Martha Stewart & Marley Spoon
Leave it to Martha Stewart & Marley Spoon to provide the most delicious and well-thought-of meal delivery service. You can try to make tasty food at home with the help of it and each week there are different options to choose from. Its recipes each contain six easy-to-follow steps and you might even feel like you could start your own at-home cooking shows afterwards.
Purple Carrot
Purple Carrot specializes in meals made with plants and you can choose a two- or four-ser
ving meal plan. Recipes include those for almond butter tofu bowls, fruit salads, etc. Each box comes to you also with the meal’s nutrition information and step-by-step directions. You can also customize meals by adding more protein or choosing gluten-free options.
