The Lottery 英文赏析
The short story Lottery is the classic work of famous American novelist Shirly Jackson.It narrators the story about the people of a small town held an aniversal activity of lottery , and the person who got the lottery would be hit to death by stones for the sake of havrest of the following year. The narrator centers on the actions and simple language of each town people from an obejective perspective to reflect the blind obedience, less of rationality and cruel coldness of human nature of the whole town people.
The essay will focus on the analysis of the characters to dig up the deep themes of the short story. The difference between The Lottery and other stories is that there is no clear clue to define who are the leading roles and who are the supporting roles. In other words , the whole town people is the a complete protagonist.
In the story, the narrator shows us the whole process the lottery activity just like a professional reporter, she described each plot with calm attitude and we could not see any personal feeling or expectation of the writer from any character of the whole town people.In the small town , the activity of lottery was presented by a man who was named Mr Summers, who had time and energy to devote to the civic activities. He was a round-faced,jovial man and he ran the coal business,and people were sorry for him,because he had no children and his wife was a scold.
The name Summers has implied us the social status and infulences of Mr Summers, he was the owner of the coal business and had power on the whole town people. Every living summer, he gathered the people together and held the lottery ceremony which cost one human being' life to keep the stupid suspitious saying:lottery in June, corn be heavy soon. The group of people like Mr Summers had controls not only on the whold process of the lottery but also the economic resources even destinies. The lottery was only a kind of ritual which was used to blind their souls, transfer their disatisfy about the real life and take out their anger on the much miserier person-the lottery winner.
The old man Mr Warner was the eldest person in the town who was supposed to the wisdom in common sense, instead he was the representive of
the most fatuous and cruel human beings. He has been in the lottery for 77 years qutoed what he said: "Seventy-seventh year I been in the Lottery" as he went through the crowd :Seventy seven times. We can understand from a different view: He has been taking part in killing people to death for more than seventy times. The luckiness of he could escape from each
life-risk in the lottery has been transformed into huge zealous passion to keep this convention and defend anyone who even thought about abandoning this ritual in head.
The lottery tradition has been kept year by year, there was a human being was hit to death year by year, until this year when the narrator reported to us , we still could not see a sign that it would be changed.
So the lottery winner Tessie in this year was just like everyone in the past,she was the victim for others to keep their blind ritual. We don't know why the writer chose Tessie to be the victim. There was no any singal which implies Tessie would be the one who got the lottery. She was like everyone who came for this ceremony as a participant and a vindicator as well.
The story "The Lottery"tells the traditional annual lottery ritual in an
ordinary American town,but the winner will be scrailced for harvest.Shidey
Jackson employs her unique style to convey the inhumanity,cruelty of people
and victimization of individual,and wins her many fames and criticisms.The
paper appreciates literary devices such as
conflicts,sening,characterization,symbolism and irony in the"The lottery".
the lottery译为《摸彩》,说的俗一点就是抽,但其性质不同,结果也不同。这篇文章相当复杂,不
托邦更是相当复杂,有兴趣自己去查吧,然后继续这个作者是个美国人叫Shirley Jackson。据说这个人相当强悍,很会讲故事,被人称为天才小说家,而且她讲的故事都很幽默,而且不经意之间就流露出来,
那个破旧的黑盒子, 则既象征着死亡,也象征传统的陈旧以及村民对传统的混沌与盲从;此外,黑盒
在所有的象征和寓意里,含意最丰富的还是故事的情节——作为仪式的杀人。《摸彩》在故事开始时, 描写了一幅伊甸园般的美好景,村民们也相处和平。但是在故事的结尾,人们读到的却是一场与美好环境格格不入的杀戮。尤其令人发指的是,这是一次和平时期亲人和邻里间的残杀。
左派右派是什么意思一样的社交圈中人,美丽并讨人喜欢。可是,杰克逊虽相貌端正, 却对当可爱的洋娃娃毫无兴趣。为了反叛母亲的传统观念,她把自己吃得胖胖的,然后嫁给了一个犹太知识分子的大学教授。可是,在美国东部佛蒙特的偏僻小大学里,反犹、反知识的传统同样令杰克逊感到窒息般的压抑。在她心里,她,乃至她的家人,似乎都是那个城市的异类,而她所做的,就是保持自我,拒绝依顺社会习俗。她和环境及邻里的紧张对峙,不仅化作她的作品情节,同时也成为她的精神生活的写照。