Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle
Section A Reading and thinking
科目:英语课题:Section A Reading and thinking课时:1课时
知识目标:Read quickly to get the detailed information about habits for a healthy lifestyle;read carefully to do the deductive information
能力目标:Study the structure features and language features
情感目标:Let students be interested in English.
教学重点:Study the structure features and language features
教学难点:Let students be interested in English.
1. Greeting
2. Leading-in
1 Are bad habits easy to change? Why or why not?
2 What habits do you think are unhealthy?
3 What can you do to correct these bad habits?
(2)学生浏览活动2的指示语和选项,根据文章标题Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle预选答案,推测文章
教师活动:(1)核对答案前,允许学生先与同伴或小组讨论。核对答案时,可以请学生具体说出各段大意的匹配依据。例如在第一段,引导学生出本段的关键句“To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenager's life is essential”。教师可以简单分析,作者使用那么长的句子主语,目的就是要让这个句子引起读者注意。所以,这段的大意是Why bad teenage habits should be changed。
(2)在最后一段,引导学生发现关键句“However,there is no 'magic pill' or delete button that will help you; you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some changes”。这个句子用
However表示转折,引起读者注意,这也是突出句子的一种方式。此外,magic pill,delete button都是easy way的近义词,所以可以判断这段的大意是“No easy way to change bad habits.”。
Why bad teenage habits should be changed→
What a habit is→
The cycle of how habits are formed→
How to change a bad habit and create good ones→
Changing habits gradually→
No easy way to change bad habits
●Paragraph 1:Why bad teenage habits should be changed
●Paragraphs 2 to 5:What a habit is and how to change bad habits
●Paragraph 6:No easy way to change bad habits
●Why did the writer write this text?
●Who's the intended reader?How can you tell?
●To explain a teenage problem and suggest possible solutions.
●The intended readers are young people,especially teenagers. The first paragraph
mainly discusses why it is easy for teenagers to form bad habits. The last
paragraph starts with "For young people …."and "you" is used to address the
How can a choice lead to a habit?Show the process in a diagram
What are the three stages of the habit cycle?Do you think the writer explains it clearly?How?
What should we do to change a bad habit?Give an example by filling in the following table.
How can a person use discipline to help change a bad habit?
活动目的: 活动3的问题1至问题4涉及了文本话题的四个主要方面,即习惯的形成过程、习惯循环原理、运用该原理改变不良习惯、运用该原理的注意事项。问题5是一个基于文本又超越文本的问题,询问学生是否愿意运用所学改变自身的不良习惯、养成健康的生活习惯。学生的情感态度和价值观在这个任务中得以展现。
What important message have you learnt from this text?
Will you use the habit cycle to break your bad habits?Why or why not?
To help myself form the new habit,I always invite some colleagues to walk together with me. While we're walking, we chat. That makes me feel that I'm not doing it alone and the walking becomes more interesting and I'm more willing to do it. Here is my strategy.
●Find company.
●Do something I like while trying the new routine.
healthylifestyle帖子1:I have been suffering from the bad habit of overeating for decades. Every time I feel upset,I eat a lot. Overeating is the most effective way for me to relieve stress temporarily. It is ironic that I eat even more when I feel anxious about gaining weight.
I am overweight and frequently have a stomachache. What shall I do?I really want to get rid of this terrible habit.
帖子2:My friends call me a night owl. I often stay up late and go to bed after When I am actually in bed,I still can't help playing with my cellphone for one hour or more. In other words,I fall asleep later than I feel dizzy from time to time. I find it hard to work efficiently at daytime. Sleeping late even makes my skin look bad.
I know it is an unhealthy habit but I don't know what to do.
Unit 2 Health lifestyle
Period 1 Reading and Thinking教学设计