                              Unit 1
一、 记忆下列名词
1、 把下列可数名词变成复数形式,然后记忆。
program 节目 表演  high school 高中      result  结果 成果
lifestyle 生活方式    habit      习惯        junk    废弃物 破烂物
chip    薄片        interviewer 采访者    difference 区别 差异
activity 活动        grade    分数 成绩
2、 记忆下列不可数名词
Internet  网络 互联网  junk food  垃圾食品    milk  牛奶
chocolate  巧克力        coffee    咖啡        health 健康
be good for 对……有益        be good for my health 对我的健康有益
be bad for  对……有害        be bad for your health 对你的健康有害
healthy habbit 健康的习惯      kind of unhealthy 有点儿不健康
keep in good health 保持健康  keep healthy    保持健康 
eat junk food  吃垃圾食品    healthy lifestyle  健康的生活方式 
be the same as  与……相同    be different fom  与……不同
of course  当然可以          get good grades  获得好成绩 
drink coffee 喝咖啡            as for  至于 关于
1 act v.  表演 演戏          actor n .      演员
activity n . 活动          active  ady . 活跃的 积极的
(1)  He is an actor . 他是一个演员。
(2)  I have two activities every day : One is watching TV , the other is reading . 我每天有两个活动,一个是看电视,另一个是阅读。
(3)  She studies hard ,she is an active girl . 她学习努力,她是个积极的女孩。
2interview  n . / v. 采访 访问    interviewer  n . 采访者 访问者
She is an interviwer .  She is interviewing a woman .
3health  n .健康  healthy  adj . 健康的  unhealthy  adj . 不健康的
  Keep health == keep in good health . 保持健康
(1)  We must keep in good health . = We must keep healthy .
(2)  She says its good for my health . 她说它对我们健康有益。
(3)  I think I’m kind of unhealthy . 我想我有点儿不健康。
4be good for 对……有益    be bad for 对……有害
(1) To exercise is good for our health . 锻炼对我们的健康有益。
(2) To eat less food is bad for our health . 吃得少对我们的健康有害。
5different  adj. 不同的    difference  n . 区别 差别
(1)  My lifestyle is different from his lifestyle . 我的生活方式跟他的不同。healthylifestyle(2)  What are the difference    差别的什么?
本块习题 :用所给的词的正确形式填空
1My aunt is a _______ . She has many _________ every day . She is a ______ woman . ( actor )
2Mr Green is an ______ . He _______ many students every day . Here is the result of his _________ at Green High School .  ( interview )
3Her habits are ________ from his habits . Can you tell me the ________ . ( different )
4(1)  Eating vegetables and fruits is good for our _________ .
(2)  Sleeping late is bad for  your ________ .
(3)  Let’s keep in good _________ .
(4)  I often feel tired . I’m kind of _________ .
(5)  My lifestyles are __________ .  ( healthy ) .
5My eating _________ ( habit ) are pretty good .
6I try to eat two ________ ( junk food ) and drink some______________ ( coffee and milk ) .       
study better  学习更好          watch TV              看电视
read the results读结果            play soccer            踢足球
exercise every day 每天锻炼      go to the movies          去看电影
shop in a hour 在一小时后购物    try to eat lots of vegetables  尽力多吃蔬菜
do homework 做家庭作业        help me get good grades帮助我取得好成
sleep nine hours  睡九个小时    like the program        喜欢这个节目
love to exercise  喜爱运动      want to drink milk      想要喝牛奶
surf the Interner  网上冲浪      look after my health      照顾我的健康
2、 记忆下列词汇
though == although 虽然  maybe 或许    may be 可能是
how often    多久一次  then  然后    must  必须
all        no没有          some  一些
most  大多数 最多的 many much的最高级
always 总是    usually 通常    often 经常    sometimes 有时
never  从不    once  一次    twice 两次    hardly ever  几乎不曾
three times  三次              four times 四次 
once a week 一周一次          twice a month    一月两次
three times a day 一日三次      four times a year  一年四次
一、 特殊疑问句
what 什么 
how often多久一次  (提问动作发生的频率)
how many 多少 + 复数名词
how much 多少 + 不可数名词 ; 多少钱 (提问价钱)
3、 特殊疑问句的结构:特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句
4、 就划线部分提问
(1)  I exercise every day .
    ______ ______ ______ ______ exercise ?
(2)  They often surf the Interner .
    ______ ______ ______ they surf the Internet ?
(3)  My partner always drink milk .
______ ______ ______ ______ parter drink milk ?
(4)  He does his homework once a day .
    ______ ______ ______ he ______ his homework ?
(5)  We usually look after the old man .
    ______ ______ ______ ______ look after the old man ?
(6)  Her classmate tries to eat lots of vegetables .
    ______ ______ her classmate try ______ ______ ?
(7)  The students often sleep nine hours every night .
