译林牛津版7A Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading Ⅱ What w
译林牛津版7A Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading Ⅱ What we eat and how we live教学设计
7A Unit 6 Food and lifestyle Reading Ⅱ What we eat and how we live
Teaching goals:
By the end of this lesson, students are expected to
1. further understand the whole text.
2. use some important words and phrases correctly.
3. talk about personal diet and lifestyle .
4. learn to judge one’s lifestyle and give reasonable advice.
Teaching procedures
Step 1 Preparation
Watch a video about fruit.
Have a free talk.
Do you often eat fruit
What’s your favourite fruit
When do you usually eat fruit
What fruit do you often eat
What fruit does Kitty often eat
Step 2 Presentation and further understanding
Activity 1: Review the text.
Talk about Kitty’s lifestyle.
Have a discussion.
Review the passage about Kitty. Work in groups and discuss:
How does Kitty keep fit
Encourage students to complete the mind-map about Kitty’s lifestyle.
3. Use students’ own words to talk about Kitty’s lifestyle with the help of the mind-map above.
Fill in the flow chart about Daniel’s lifestyle and retell the passage about his lifestyle.
Read the passage about Daniel’s lifestyle and fill in the blanks.
Say something about Daniel’s lifestyle.
Activity 2: Learn some new language points.
plan to do sth.
Listen to a talk about Ding Siyu and Chu Ying’s plan and answer two questions.
What does Chu Ying plan to do this Saturday
He plans to go to the home for the old people.
What does Ding Siyu plan to do this Saturday
She plans to help the old people.
Have a discussion.
Suppose you will visit the house for the old people this Saturday, what do you plan to do for the old people
I plan _____________.
I hope they can ________________.
(设计意图:学生听储鹰和丁思羽的对话回答问题,体会plan to do sth.
have ……for breakfast/lunch/dinner
I plan to have an egg, some bread and a glass of milk for breakfast this Sunday.
What do you plan to have for breakfast/lunch/dinner this Sunday
What does she/he plan to have for breakfast/lunch/dinner this Sunday
Make up a dialogue to talk about what students plan to eat this Sunday.
A: What do you plan to have for …… this Sunday
B: I plan to have …… for …….
A: What do you plan to have for……
B: I plan to have …… for …… this Sunday.
(设计意图:操练时,通过pair work,教师有意识地将本课学的语言知识融入其中,增加语言知识的复现率,强化学生对知识的理解和记忆。)
be bad for      be good for
T: Do you often eat vegetables
S1: Yes.
T: Why do you often eat vegetables
S1: Because they are good for our health.
T: Right. Eating vegetables isn’t bad for our health.
Use be good for or be bad for to talk about pictures.
healthylifestyletoo much    too many
Talk about the amount of juice in the glass.
T: There is a glass of juice in my hand. Look, how much juice is there in the glass
Ss: A little.
T: Right. (The glass is filled with some more juice.)
How much now
Ss: There is some.
T: I will add more juice.
Ss: There is much juice in the glass.
T: Let me fill the glass with some more juice.
How much juice is there in the glass
Ss: There is too much juice.
2. Choose (选择) too much or too many to fill in the blanks.
He is a 14-year-old boy in my class. He likes playing football and watching football matches. He is so crazy about football that he watches_________ football matches.
