【关键词】 物流仓储;SLP法;布局优化

Research on Optimization of warehouse internal layout based on SLP
——Take the sample warehouse of Intertek Group Guangzhou Branch as an example
[Abstract] As the "third profit source" of enterprises, logistics has a key impact on the rise and fall of enterprise development, while warehousing is one of the seven major functions of logistics and an important part of logistics and manufacturing enterprises. Nowadays, the logistics and storage link is more and more valued by the major enterprises. Although in the current rapid development of the domestic logistics industry environment, major logistics enterprises pay more and more attention to the optimization and transformation of the storage system, but because non logistics enterprises generally rely on the storage system is not high, they do not realize the importance of the storage system to the production management of enterprises. Therefore, many storage systems still have some problems, such as unreasonable layout, low space utilization, non optimized path, repeated transportation and so on. These problems will directly affect the operation efficiency of ente
rprises and reduce the profit income of enterprises.
Based on the SLP method, this paper collects the key data of logistics volume, size length, average storage time and so on between the storage units, and re plans the relative position of each operation unit of the warehouse to form multiple optimizations by analyzing the logistics intensity among the operation units Scheme, evaluate and select the best scheme for each scheme, and finally select the best scheme. To achieve the purpose of reducing the transportation distance and improving the space utilization.
[Keywords] Logistics storage  SLP method  layout optimization
