积约 1200 平方公里,此中精髓景区约    154 平方公里。这里,千峰
竞秀,有奇峰    72 座,此中天都峰、莲花峰、光明顶都在海拔    1800
黄山,中国十大景名胜之一,    90 年被结合国教科文组织列入    “世
界文化与自然遣产    ”名录,蜚声中外,令世人向往。
“登黄山在下无山,观止矣! ”又留下 “五岳回来不看山,黄山回来不看岳 ”的美名。
of all the notable mountains in china, mount huangshan, to be found in the south of anhui province, is probably the most famous. originally known as mt. yishan it was renamed mt. huangshan in 747 ad in recognition of the legendary huang di, who was the reputed ancestor of the chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.
wu yue is the collective name given to chinas most important mountains, namely mt. taishan in shandong province, mt. huashan in shaanxi province, mt. hengshan in shanxi province, mt. songshan in henan province and mt. hengshan in hunan province. it is said that you wont want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue but you wont wish to see even wu yue after returning from mt. huangshan. this saying may give you some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of mt. huangshan. together with the yellow river, the yangtze river and the great wall, mt. huangshan has become one of the great symbols of china.
mt. huangshan can boast not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a world natural and cultural heritage site.


my trip to mount huangshan
five yues return not to see mountain, mount huangshaeturn not to see yue.this is not fake. so, this summer i went to mount huangshan. mount huangshan is full of old pines, beyond count. like wolong, like the qi song list, form.
another characteristic of mount huangshan scenery isqifeng rocks everywhere. people according to their morphology, and write their names, such as: immortal,dream of being a successful writer. im enjoying these rocks, suddenly, a hanging in the cliffstone reflected as my eyes. this stone is a stone of godcoming from a distance, known as the flying stone. mo
unt huangshan sea is more beautiful, white clouds in the valley over surging, like the waves of the sea.
mount huangshan turquoise cloud is not isolated, they constitute a
of all the notable mountains in china, mount huangshan, to be found in the south of anhui province, is probably the most famous.the strange pines, absurd stones, sea of clouds and hot springs are the four wonders of mount huangshan. mount huangshan is an ideal environment for wild animals and plants. flowers bloom as though in all the four seasons due to the change in climatic conditions of the mountain. so we can easily visit mount huangshan in all the different seasons and wound not to be worried of missing the attractions . it is said that you wont want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue but you wont wish to see even wu yue after returning from mount huangshan. so we can see the beauty and uniqueness of mount huangshan.
