(满分:100分  时间:60分钟)
1、(  )A.bag        B.white    C.yellow
2.(  )A.red        B.good    C.green
3.(  )A.book        B.black    C.blue
4.(  )A.colour        B.duck    C.dog
5.(  )A.morning        B.afternoon    C.meet
1. f__s__     2. fr__g    3. b__ __d
4. d__g           5. c__t          6. p__nd__
1、There are __________ seasons in a year. (  )
A.three    B.five    C.four
2、That nice skirt is for _______ Yang Ling. (  )
A.I    B.my    C./
3、What _________ this? (  )
A.am    B.are    C.is
4、_______ Daming got a picture of panda? (  )
A.Does    B.Has    C.Have
5、Sunday is the ______ day of the week. (  )
A.first    B.last    C.next    D./
6、—Have _______ juice, Peter. (  )
—Thank you.
A.a    B.an    C.some
7、—Good ______, Miss White. (  )
—Good afternoon, Chen Jie.
A.afternoon    B.morning    C.evening
8、_______ he got a new dress? (  )
A.Have    B.Has    C.Do
9、This is__________Miss Li.(  )
A.a    B./    C.my
10、This is my _______. (  )
A.eyes    B.legs    C.body
四、 读一读,请给句子选出合适的答语并连线。(10分)
1. Are you okay?                              a. Yes, I’m okay.
2. Is this a cap?                                b. It’s a car.
3. Here’s your ball.                            c. No, it’s not.小学三年级英语下册期末试卷
4. Look at my head.                           d. Thank you.
5. What’s this?                                 e. Sorry.
五、 连词成句。(10分)
1. can’t,   my,   ball,   find,   I   (.)
2. and,   red,   It’s,   blue   (.)
3. this,   ball,   your,   Is   (.)
4. the,   matter,   What’s   (?)
5. Let’s,   and,   mix,   blue,   yellow   (.)
六、 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F相符)。(10分)
(    ) 1. I've got a new football.
(    ) 2. I've got a new dress.
(    ) 3. I've got new shoes.
(    ) 4. I've got new shorts.
(    ) 5. I've got a dog.
七、 给下列句子选择正确的答语。(10分)
A.It has got green shoes.
B.No, I haven’t.
C.Yes, I do.
D.It’s under the desk.
E. I have music.
1.Where is my book? (    )
2.What has it got? (    )
3.What do you have at school? (    )
4.Do you like cats? (    )
5.Have you got a bike? (    )
八、 根据短文内容,判断对(T)错(F)。(20分)
Jill and Kate are going hiking (徒步旅行) with their classmates tomorrow. They want to take some fruit with them. Jill likes oranges and Kate likes apples. When they get to the market, they can’t find any oranges, and the apples are too green. “What are we going to buy now?” asks Kate. “Hey, what’s that big round fruit over there?” asks Jill. “I don’t know. Let’s ask the sales-girl.”“ What do you call this?” “Youzi,” answers the girl. “Why don’t we buy one?” asks Jill. “OK. We’re going to have lots of fun in hiking and eating a new kind of fruit!” says Kate.
1.Kate is going hiking this afternoon. (    )
2.Jill likes apples and Kate likes oranges. (    )
3.They don’t buy apples because the apples are too green. (    )
4.Youzi is a big round fruit. (    )
5.They’re going to eat a new kind of fruit tomorrow. (    )
1、1.A    2.B    3.A    4.A    5.C
1、1. i, h   2. o   3. i, r   4. o   5. a   6. a, a
四、 读一读,请给句子选出合适的答语并连线。(10分)
1、1-5 acdeb
五、 连词成句。(10分)
1、    1. I can’t find my ball.    2. It’s red and blue.    3. Is this your ball?    4. What’s the matter?    5. Let’s mix blue and yellow. 或 Let’s mix yellow and blue.
六、 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F相符)。(10分)
1、    1. T    2. F    3. T    4. T    5. F
七、 给下列句子选择正确的答语。(10分)
1、1.D    2.A    3.E    4.C    5.B
八、 根据短文内容,判断对(T)错(F)。(20分)
2、1.F    2.F    3.T    4.T    5.T
