三年级下册英语期中试卷小学三年级英语下册期末试卷苏教版)三年级英语 正文 三年级下册英语期中试卷苏教版) 2008-4-20小学三年级英语期中测试卷 0804 成绩 等第第一部分:听力 60一. 听录音,根据你所听到的单词排序。8( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二.听录音,判断录音内容与下列各图意是否相符,相符圈“yes”不符圈“No”.5 1. 2. 3.Yes./No. Yes./No. Yes./No.4. 5Yes./No. Yes./No.三.听单词,选择你所听到的单词。10( )1. A. clock B. peach C. camera( )2. A. table B. book C. desk( )3. A. radio B. camera C. watch( )4. A. ruler B. rabbit C. watch( )5. A. six B. five C. three( )6. A. grandfather B. father C. mother( )7. A. key B. boy C. bag 8. A. book B. tape C. girl( )9. A. nine B. two C. eleven( )10. A .stapler B. storybook C. knife四.听录音,选择你所听到的句子。20( )1. A. This is my grandfather. B. This is my father.( )2. A. Come here please. B. Come in please.( )3. A. This is a radio. B. This is a telephone.( )4. A. Is this a camera B. Is that a camera( )5. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon.( )6. A. Not bad. B. Not so good( )7. A. What’s this in your bag B. What’s this on your bag( )8. A. What’s this in English B. What’s that in English
( )9. A. Go to school. B. Go to bed( )10..A. He’s my father. B. He’s my uncle.五. 听录音
选出适当的答案.12 ( )1. A It’s four. B. Yes it is. 2.A. All right. B Thank you. 3.A Excuse me.. B. OK 4.A It’s three. B. It’s a tape. 5.A She’s four. B. she’s Nancy. 6.AIt’s yellow. B. It’s a yellow ruler.六.听录音,完成下列对话。5Su Hai : Su Yang What’s the _________Su Yang: It’s seven o five. It’s time ____ go to school.Su Hai: I can ______ the school bus coming.Su Yang: How many students can you see on the school busSu Hai: One two…I can see _______.Su Hai: OK. ______ go.第二部分:笔试练习 40七.出下列单词中不同类的单词。51 ( )A book B storybook C tiger 2 ( )A. tain C.tiger 3 ( )A. pineapple B.peach C.stapler 4 ( )A. six B.twelve C.watch 5 ( )A. white B.blue C.knife八.写下列单词中所缺的字母,并写出中文意思。10 1.sev n 2. t n 3. k__y 4. bo k 5. radi 6. __ ine 7. __unt 8. comp ter 9. br ther 10.s__ ster 九.将左右两边对应的词用线连起来。5father thatthis noyes whiteblack uncleaunt mother十. 选出下列句子的最佳汉语意思,将其序号填入题前的括号内5 )1.What’s that in English A. 那用英语怎么说? B. 这用英语怎么说?
C.那是什么? 2.What’s seven plus thirteen A. 11 加 13 是多少? B. 13 减 7 是多少? C.7 加 13 是多少? 3.You can go home now. A. 我现在可以回家了吗? B. 现在你可以去上学了。C.
现在你可以回家了。 4. Is this your mother A. 这是我的母亲。 B. 这是你的母亲吗? C.那时你的母亲吗? 5.Here you are.A.给你。 B. 谢谢你。 C.那时对的。十一.选择填空.101. Is ________ your motherA. she B .he C. It2. Is he your uncle _______A. Yes she is B. Yes he is. C. Yes it is.3. Is this a crayon A. Yes it isn’t B. Yes it is C. It’s six.4. ______ is your daughter A. Who B. What C What’s5. It’s time _____ have lunch. A. with B. to C. at6. This is my family ______________. A. friend B. son C. photo7. He ______ my grandfather. A .is B. am C. are8. What’s that in your school bag A. It’s a storybook. B. Thank you. C. All right.9. What’s this in English______ a pencil. A. This is B. It is C. this is10. This is ______ orange. A. an B. a C./十二、句型配对从 B 栏中选出符合 A 栏中问句的答句。 5 A B 1.Is she your aunt A. He’s my uncle. 2. Who’s he B. It’s a knife. 3. Hi Nice to meet you. C. Yes she is. 4. Is he your son D. No he isn’t. 5.What’s this in English E.. Nice to meet you too三年级英语期中试卷听力部分答案听力部分
