一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(10分)
()1.A.China    B. Canada    C. clever ()2.A.father    B. mother    C. man ()3.A.this    B. thin    C. the
()4.A.chair    B. here    C. child ()5.A.pupil    B. beautiful    C. apple 二、听录音, 选出与你所听内容相符的图片。(10分)
()1.A.    B.
()2.A.    B.
()3.A.    B.
()4.A.    B.
()5.A.    B.
三、听录音, 为下列图片排序。(10分)
() () () () ()四、听录音, 选出与你所听内容相应的答语。(10分)
()1.A.Goodbye, Li Ming.  B. Nice to meet you, Li Ming.
()2.A.I'm from the UK.    B. I like the USA.
()3.A.I don't know.    B. Wow! It's so funny!
()4.A.Yes, I do.    B. I like apples.
小学三年级英语下册期末试卷()5.A.I have six.    B. I see six.
()1.A.panda    B. hand    C. Canada
()2.A.seven    B. pencil    C. she
()3.A.sister    B. gift    C. milk
()4.A.dog    B. box    C. mother
()5.A.under    B. fun    C. fruit
()her    B. father    C. teach
()2.A.desk    B. chair    C. fruit
()3.A.student    B. fifteen    C. sixteen
()4.A.pear    B. rice    C. watermelon
()5.A.thin    B. under    C. fat
()1.Nice________meet you.
A. at
B. on
C. to
()2.—Who is that woman? —________.
A. She is my mother
B. He is my brother
C. He is my father
()3.—________ is my red bag?
—It's on your bed.
A. What
B. Where
C. How
()4.—Have some fruit.—________.
A. No
B. Good
C. Thanks
()5.—How many rulers do you have? —________.
A. I have two
B. I see five
C. It's blue
()1.Hi, Amy. This is ________ sister.
()2.I can't ________ you, Amy. Where are you?
()3.—________ you like fruit? —Yes, I do.
()4.Look ________ my white cat. It's so fat.
()5.________ put your cap on the bed.
()1.A.This is my family.
B. They are students.
()2.A.The girl is so tall.
B. The girl has two big eyes.
()3.A.The kite is in the tree.
B. The kite is under the tree.
()4.A.The monkey likes pears.
B. The monkey likes bananas.
()5.A.I have twenty apples.
B. I have twelve apples.
()1.你想吃一些水果, 你可以这样说:
A. Do you like apples?
B. Can I have some fruit?
C. Look at the fruit.
()2.你想问妈妈你的帽子在哪里, 你可以这样说:
A. Mom, where is my cap?
B. What is my cap, Mom?
C. Where is my map, Mom?
()3.埃米告诉你她喜欢苹果, 而你也喜欢, 你可以这样说:
A. Me, neither.
B. Me, too.
C. I like, too.
()4.你向妈妈介绍你的新朋友Sarah, 你可以这样说:
A. Mom, this is Sarah .She's my new friend.
B. This is my teacher.
C. This is my new teacher, Mom.
()5.你问弟弟有多少个气球, 你可以这样说:
A. How many balls do you have?
B. How many balloons can you see?
C. How many balloons do you have?
十一、选择合适的答语, 将序号填入题前的括号内。(5分)
()1.Are you a teacher?
()2.Have a good time.
()3.Where is my book?
()4.How many giraffes do you see?
()5.I don't like strawberries.
Tony: Good morning, Linda.
Linda: Good morning, Tony.1.
Tony: He is my new friend, Peter.
Linda: 2.
Tony: He is from Canada.
Linda: 3.
Tony: Yes, he likes sports.
Linda: Let's say hello to him.
Tony: OK.4.
Peter: Hello, Linda.
Linda: 5.
十三、阅读短文, 完成下列各题。(10分)
Who are we?
I'm orange and brown. I'm very tall. I have a long neck(脖子). There are seven letters(字母)in my name. Who am I?
I'm black and white. I'm fat. I have small eyes. I'm from China. There are five letters in my name. Who am I?
I'm orange and brown. I'm big. I have a long tail and a big mouth. I eat little animals. There are five letters in my name. Who am I?
()1.The first(第一个)animal is very tall and long.
