(满分:100分  时间:60分钟)
1、(  )A.fifteen        B.pupil    C.six
2.(  )A.she        B.he    C.under
3.(  )A.eraser        B.小学三年级英语下册期末试卷watermelon    C.crayon
4.(  )A.banana        B.green    C.black
5.(  )A.juice        B.water    C.map
1 c______t      2______ion    3 p______g
4    ______ish    5   _____onkey
1、Cut the big _______.  (  )
A.cake    B.water    C.milk
2、—How are you? (  )
A.How are you?    B.I’m fine, thank you.    C.Hi!
3、_______ Daming got a picture of panda? (  )
A.Does    B.Has    C.Have
4、—____________ (  )
—I’m five years old.
A.How old are you?    B.How are you?    C.How many bags?
5、Mike, _____ is this? (  )
A.what    B.it    C.what’s
6、The boy ________ got a new sweater. (  )
A.have    B.has    C.had
7、—This is my friend Helen. (  )
A.Hello, I’m Helen.    B.Hello, Helen.    C.Goodbye, Helen.
8、There are __________ seasons in a year. (  )
A.three    B.five    C.four
9、—How old is the bird? (  )
—_______ two.
A.It    B.is    C.It’s
10、Let’s play _____ the puppet. (  )
A.with    B./    C.to
四、 将句子与对应的汉语意思连线。(10分)
1. Thanks.                                            a. 我想吃些鸡蛋
2. Here you are.                                   b. 我想喝些果汁
3. I’d like some eggs.                          c. 吃点面包吧
4. Have some bread.                            d. 谢谢
5. I’d like some juice.                          e. 给你
五、 连词成句。(10分)
1.it  is  in  desk  the  ?
2.questions  the  you  can  answer  ?
3.the  bag  is  where  ?
4.it  on  the  map  is  .
5.have  I  a  boat  new  .
六、 判断下列句子与图片是否相符,相符的写(T),不相符的写(F)。(10分)
1.Good morning, Mr Green. Sit down, please. (    )
2.Close the door, please. (    )
3.Close your book. (    )
4.Stand up, please. (    )
5.Open your book, please. (    )
七、 给下列句子选择正确的答语。(10分)
A.It’s red.
B.Good afternoon.
C.Yes, please.
D.Hello, I’m Tina.
E. It’s an orange T-shirt.
1.What’s this? (    )
2.Would you like an egg? (    )
3.Hello, I’m Sam. (    )
4.What colour is this apple? (    )
5.Good afternoon. (    )
八、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)
Hello! My name is Lily. I'm sixteen years old. And I'm from America. I like oranges and apples. But I don't like strawberries. I have a toy duck. It has a big mouth and a short tail. I like it very much.
1.Lily is from America. (    )
2.Lily is fourteen years old. (    )
