International Economics
• Ch 0 Introduction to International Economics
• Ch 1 The International Economy
Ch 0 Introduction to International Economics
• 1. What is International Economics About?
• 2. Book outline
• 3. Teaching methods
• 4. References
• 5. Class timetable
• 6. Final score
• 1.What is International Economics About?
• International Economics: Trade and Money
What is International Economics About?
• International economics deals with economic interactions that occur between independent nations.
– The role of governments in regulating international trade and investment is substantial(重要的).
– Analytically, international markets allow governments to discriminate against a subgroup of companies.
– Governments also control the supply of currency.
• There are several issues that recur throughout the study of international economics.
What is International Economics About?
• (1)The Gains from Trade
– Many people are skeptical about importing goods that a country could produce for itself.
– When countries sell goods and services to one another, all countries benefit.
– Trade and income distribution
• International trade might hurt some groups within nations.
• Trade, technology, and wages of high and low-skilled workers.
What is International Economics About?
• (2)The Pattern of Trade (who sells what to whom?)
– Climate and resources determine the trade pattern of several goods.
– In manufacturing and services the pattern of trade is more subtle.
-International difference in labor productivity.
-The relative supplies of national resources such as capital, labor, and land on one side and the relative use of these factors in the production of different goods on the other.
-A substantial random component.
– There are two types of trade:
» Inter industry trade depends on differences across countries.
» Intra industry trade depends on market size and occurs among similar countries.
What is International Economics About?
• (3)Protectionism?
– Many governments are trying to shield certain industries from international competition.
– This has created the debate dealing with the costs and benefits of protection relative to free trade.
• Advanced countries’ policies engage in industrial targeting.
• Developing countries’ policies promote industrialization:
– Import substitution versus export promotion industrialization.
– Some Examples
» Ghana versus South Korea
» South Korea versus North Korea
• 对加纳和韩国的比较研究已成为发展经济学中的经典案例。在20世纪50年代和60年代,加纳在人均收入及出口方面一直位于韩国前面。70年代初韩国超过了加纳,并一路领先,以至其人均收入现在是加纳的20倍。对于这一段令人伤心的往事,世界银行是这么总结的:“韩国的人均出口量是在1972年超过加纳的,其人均收入水平也于4年后超过了加纳。按现价美元计算,在1965年至1995年,韩国的出口增加了400倍。而在同期,加纳的出口却只增加了
4倍,其实际人均收入只及其早期收入的一小部分。” (2007年韩国:19624 加纳:512 中:2034)
• 加纳位于非洲西部、几内亚湾北岸,西临科特迪瓦,北接布基纳法索,东毗多哥,南濒大西洋。不仅因盛产可可而赢得“可可之乡”的美誉,还因盛产黄金而被赞誉为“黄金海岸”。
• 思考:
• 为什么出现这么大的差距?
• 为什么中国也经历30年的快速发展与韩国比较差距仍然很大。
• 1960年:朝鲜253---韩国82。韩国不足朝鲜的1/3;
• 资源大部分都分布在北朝鲜境内。朝鲜半岛在被日本人统治期间(1910年-1945年),北部得到了有效开发,那里修建了大量的水电站和煤矿。北朝鲜的主要矿产资源储量占整个半岛储量的80%~90%,享有“有用矿物标本室”的称誉。
What is International Economics About?
• (4)The Balance of Payments
– Some countries run large trade surpluses.
• For example, in 1998 both China and South Korea ran trade surpluses of about $40 billion each.
– Is it good to run a trade surplus and bad to run a trade deficit?
• (5)Exchange Rate Determination
– The role of changing (floating)exchange rates is at the center of international economics.
• (6)International Policy Coordination
– A fundamental problem in international economics is how to produce an acceptable degree of harmony among the international trade and monetary policies of different countries without a world government that tells countries what to do.
• (7)The International Capital Market
– There are risks associated with international capital markets:
• Currency depreciation(货币贬值)
• National default(违约)
International Economics:
Trade and Money
Trade and Money
▪ International trade analysis focuses primarily on the real transactions in the international economy.
• These transactions involve a physical movement of goods or a tangible commitme
nt of economic resources.
– Example: The conflict between the United States and Europe over Europe’s subsidized (津贴)exports of agricultural products
International Economics:
Trade and Money
Trade and Money
• International monetary (国际金融)analysis focuses on the monetary side of the international economy.