IE9 + jwplayer:
IE9 + jwplayer: __flash__addCallback 错误,如果在调用 player 之前在 dom 中移
动 player。[英]IE9 + jwplayer: __flash__addCallback error if move player in dom before
calling player.load() UPDATE: The premise of this question turned out to be misguided.
The problem does not happen unless the move is in response to a user-click. Please see
I have been knocking my head against a bug for a few days and am hoping someone
can help.
I have a jquery script that makes calls to a jwplayer object (“myplayer”) using the
jwplayer javascript api. For example, to load myplayer with a particular video, I call:
我有一个 jquery 脚本,它使用 jwplayer javascript api 调用 jwplayer 对象
(“myplayer”)。例如,要为 myplayer 加载一个特定的视频,我调用:
myplayer.load(‘my_url’);internet explorer 脚本错误 This works fine in both firefox and internet explorer, so long