生活大爆炸的头四集里表现出来的谢尔顿的性格特征与后面相比并不一致,包括用“正常”方式敲门,参加萨尔萨舞,喝啤酒,以及尝试去捐精。根据普拉迪的说话,这个角“在大约五集之后开始逐步体现出了他独有的风格”虽然谢尔顿有很多奇怪的癖好,他仍然是一个极具逻辑性的人。他拥有高达187的智商和异常清晰的记忆,之后他又声称他的IQ无法通过普通测试进行精确测量。他有一个硕士学位和两个博士学位,然而根据“TheLoveCarDisplac ement”他获得的学位证书增加了,他拥有B.S.,M.S.,M.A.,Ph.D.与Sc.D.。谢尔顿有着超乎常人的广泛知识。这表现在他对各种逸闻趣事的细节的了解(例如关于餐叉是如何被引进泰国的)。尽管谢尔顿极其聪明,他却在大多数的社交场合表现得笨手笨脚。
工大学物理碗比赛参赛队伍的命名(“行军蚁”)或者决定坐火车而不是搭乘客机(这源于他对列车的迷恋和热爱)去旧金山参加一个会议,以得到诺贝尔奖得主乔治·斯穆特的首肯。在他生病的时候,谢尔顿需要他的母亲(或佩妮)来照顾他,包括为他唱《Soft Kitty》,并帮他在胸口逆时针抹药膏。他说话从不能被打断,无法忍受他所不知道的事物,无法保守秘密,见不得争论或吵架。任何上述情况的发生都会让他很受打击并且嘴唇抽搐。谢尔顿没有驾照(虽然他尝试过去考一个),需要搭朋友的车,而且认为以他的智商没有必要去学开车。谢尔顿在和佩妮的另一次争吵中,佩妮得到他母亲的电话号码后表现出了他孩子气的另一个特征。谢尔顿的母亲打电话给他,并且告诉他(暗示,剧集中只表现了谢尔顿这边的对话)停止和佩妮争吵。在这通电话后他马上向佩妮道了与他的朋友一样,谢尔顿有着科学天赋,并且是漫画、电子游戏和科幻小说的爱好者。他十分喜欢《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》、《神秘博士》、《星际之门》、《星际迷航》、《星球大战》和《萤火虫》,但是不喜欢《巴比伦5》他尤其喜爱《星际旅行》系列,是斯波克的粉丝。佩妮曾经送给他斯波克的原扮演者伦纳德·尼莫伊用过的餐巾作为圣诞礼物。这让他难以自持,因为他拥有了他的偶像的DNA。然而,伦纳德·尼莫伊和斯坦·李都申请了针对谢尔顿的限制令。他也因为发现与自己相似的特质而极度崇拜过《星际旅行:下一代》中的人物卫斯理·克拉希尔,但因为扮演者威尔·惠顿意外地没有出席1995年在密西西比州杰克逊市举行的的星际旅行大会,于是谢尔顿发誓要在一场集换式卡牌游戏比赛中打败他来报仇(惠顿假称他是因为他祖母去世所以没有出席大会;这一战术成功地使谢尔顿出于同情故意输掉了比赛,却发现这个故事只是个诡计),后来在一场保龄球比赛中,威尔·惠顿挑拨佩妮和伦纳德分手,让身为谢尔顿队里最好保龄球手的佩妮哭泣
also has a very hard time recogni zing irony and sarcasm in other peoplealthoug h he himself often employs them. These charact eristi cs provide the majorit y of the humor involvi ng him, which has causedhim to be describ ed as the show's breakou t charact er.[2][3][4][5]Despite specula tion that Sheldon's persona lity traitsmay be consist ent with Asperge r syndrom e, obsessi ve–compuls ive persona lity disorde r and asexual ity,[4][6] co-creator Bill Prady has repeate dly statedthat Sheldon's charact er was neither conceiv ed nor develop ed with regardto any of these conditi ons
Persona lity
Sheldon is usually charact erized as extreme ly intelli gent, sociall y inept and rigidly logical. Despite his intelle ct, he sometim es display s a lack of commonsense. He has a superio rity complex, but also possess es childli ke qualiti es, of which he seems unaware, such as extreme
stubbor nness. The first four episode s of The Big Bang Theoryportray Sheldon inconsi stentl y with his later charact erizat ion. Accordi ng to Prady, the charact er "began to evolveafter episode five or so and becamehis own thing".[16]
Sheldon possess es an eidetic memoryand an IQ of 187,[17]althoug h he claimshis IQ cannotbe accurat ely measure d by normaltests.[18] He origina lly claimed to have a Master's Degreeand two do
ctora l degrees, but this list has increas ed.[19][20]Sheldon also has an extensi ve general knowled ge in many subject s includi ng physics, chemist ry, biology, astrono my, cosmolo gy,
bigbang emathema tics, algebra, calculu s, differe ntialequatio ns, vectorcalculu s, compute rs, compute r science, electro nics, enginee ring, history, geograp hy, linguis tics, and various languag es like Finnish, Spanish, French,Mandari n Chinese, Persian, Arabic, and Klingon from Star Trek. Not only that, but he shows great talentin music, knowing how to play the piano and the recorde r and having'perfect-pitch'. Althoug h his friends have similar intelle cts to him, his eccentr icitie s, stubbor nnessand lack of empathy often frustra te them. Sheldon occasio nallyuses slang (in a very unnatur al fashion), and follows jokes with his catchph rase "Bazinga!", which is now an officia lly registe red tradema rk of WarnerBrother s.[21][22] He is uncomfo rtable with human physica l contact and has germoph obia, which make his excepti onally rare hugs extreme ly awkward and painful-looking. Sheldon has difficu lty copingwhen he is interru pted, when asked to keep a secret, or when he hears arguing.[23][24][25] He is also a notarypublicand uses his knowled ge in law and contrac ts usually for his own advanta ge and is alwaysdistres sed when challen ged in a legal aspectthat he cannotlogical ly defend. In his manneri sms, Sheldon also shows symptom s associa ted with obsessi ve compuls ive disorde r. Wheneve r approac hing a person's home, he must knock three times then say the perso
n's name, and must repeatthis at least three times. Upon enterin g a person's home, he must selectthe properseat beforesitting down. When it is suggest ed by Penny that he "Just sit anywher e" his respons e was "Oh no, that's crazy!" This extends to his inabili ty to acceptchange. His rigidit y in maintai ning homeost asis often causeshim frustra tion, as when his favorit e Chinese restaur ant closedand Leonard spent two years trickin g him into thinkin g it was still open.
Like his friends, Sheldon is scienti ficall y incline d, and is fond of comic books (especia lly the DC Univers e), costume s, rolepla ying games, video games, tableto p games, collect ible card games, actionfigures, fantasy like The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, and science fiction, like Stargat e, Firefly, DoctorWho, Battles tar Galacti ca, Star Wars, and particu larlyStar Trek, in which his favorit e charact er is Spock. However, he maintai ns an adamant dislike of the televis ion seriesBabylon 5. Sheldon has restrai ning ordersfrom his heroesLeonard Nimoy, Carl Sagan, and Stan Lee,[26][27][28] as well as televis ion scienti st Bill Nye.[29] Sheldon often wears vintage T-shirtsadorned with superhe ro logos.
Sheldon has appeare d, at times, to show empathy, includi ng lending money to Penny without expecti ng it back quickly (althoug h that may just have been his logical Spock-like respons e to a problem to be solved; it was, after all, money he was not using and would not miss[30]) and driving her to a hospit
a l when her shoulde r was disloca ted.[31] He dislike s gifts, because the "socialcontrac t" in his view creates eithera debt or burden
on the receive r of the gift which will not stop until one of the two involve d in the "gift-relatio nship"dies leaving the other eitherin debt or with an undue surplus.[28] Sheldon does not take drugs, not even legal ones such as caffein e, due to a promise to his mother, and is
hyperse nsitiv e when he acciden tallyconsume s them.[32][33]
In respons e to critici sm from his friends that he is mentall y ill, Sheldon often retorts, "I'm not crazy, my motherhad me tested."[34][35] His motherconfirm s this stateme nt but adds "...althoug h I do regretnot followi ng up with that special ist in Houston."[