
(  )1.Math is________ useful subject, and I study it for ________ hour every day.
Aaa  Banan 
Cana  Daan
(  )2.—What do you do ________ Saturday morning
—I read () books.
Aat  Bon
Cin  Dfrom
(  )3.Mary likes sports very much.So she wants to be a(n)________ teacher.
Aart  Bmath 
Cmusic  DP.E.
(  )4.—Bob七年级数学第一单元测试题is science your favorite ________
      —No, my favorite is music.
Asubject  Bmonth 
Csport  Dtest
( )5.—You look really________in that black Tshirt, John.
    —Thank you.
Abusy  Bfree
Ccool  Dfat
(  )6.I ________ science today.It's difficult ________ interesting.
Ahaveso  Bhasbut
Chavebut  Dhasso
(  )7.This morning we have ________ classesand the ________ class is history.
Afourfourth  Bfourthfour
Cfourfour  Dfourthfourth
(  )8.At about 920 pm.I finish ________ my homework (家庭作业)
Ado  Bdoing
Cto do  Dto doing
(  )9.—When is TFBOYS' concert (音乐会)
—________ 500________ Saturday afternoon.
AInon  BInIn
CAton  DAtin
(  )10.—________ is your favorite basketball player
—Kobe Bryant.
AWhat  BWho
CWhen  DWhere
(  )11.Music is________ for me.I really like it.
Adifficult  Bboring
Crelaxing  Dhealthy
(  )12.—Let's ________ volleyball this afternoon.
—SorryI want ________ my uncle.
Ato playto meet  Bto playmeeting
Cplayto meet  Dplaymeet
(  )13.—Do you like history
—YesI do.________ my sister doesn't like it.
AThen  BAnd  CSo  DBut
(  )14.—How's your dayBill
AIt's OK  BIt's Sunday 
CIt's my favorite day  DI'm busy today
(  )15.—I think Ms.Gao is full of fun.
—________.All the students like her.
AThat's for sure  BThat sounds fun
CYou're welcome  DI don't know
My name is Mike.I'm in No.3 Middle School.My __16__ is very big.My teachers and classmates are __17__ to me.I love __18__ very much.
Our first class __19__ at 800 in the morning.We have __20__ lessons every day—four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon.We have some subjects like EnglishmathChineseart and PE.My favorite subject is __21__I think English is very useful.I love arttoobut I don't __22__ history because it is boring.
I often have lunch __23__ my classmates at school.Then we go to the library to read some __24__After schoolwe like to play basketball.I have a good __25__ at school.I love my school.
(  )16.A.room  Bschool  Clibrary  Dbookcase
(  )17.A.nice  Bhealthy  Cright  Dwelcome
(  )18.A.him  Byou    Cher  Dthem
(  )19.A.have  Bis    Chas  Dare
(  )20.A.five  Bsix    Cseven  Deight
(  )21.A.math  BEnglish    Cmusic  Dart
(  )22.A.like  Btake    Cget  Dplay
(  )23.A.for  Babout    Cof  Dwith
(  )24.A.photos  Bbooks    Ccomputers  Dcards
(  )25.A.party  Bbirthday    Ctime  Dpicture
This is the timetable for the tests of Chongqing No.1 Middle School.It's for the students in Grade (年级) Seven.After the tests, their first term in this school will finish.
January 4th
8:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m
2:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m.
January 5th
8:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
2:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m.
(  )26.The students have the________test(s) in the morning.
AChinese and math  BEnglish
Chistory          D.Chinese
