"Booby Traps"?
海 绵 宝宝 历险记 海 绵 出水
可到你了 我的宝 贝
There you are, my lovely.
What's that?
让 我拿 书吗
Take the book?
I don't mind if I do.
总 算 是我的了
At last, it is mine.
终 于 你属于我了
Finally, you are mine.
好吧 我 们 开打吧 你个白骨精
All right. Let's do this. Bare knuckles.
来啊 死瘦子 你吓不到我的
Bring it on, skinny. You don't scare me.
你手上有 7 吗
You got any sevens?
Go fish.
你就 这 么点本事 吗
Is that all you got?
我的天 这还书 日期都 过 了多久了
Man, this is way overdue.
"在很久很久以前 在那深邃的海底
"Once upon a time, under the sea,
有一个叫比奇堡的小 镇
there was a little town called Bikini Bottom.
在 这 个小 镇 上 有一个地方叫做蟹堡王餐 厅
In this town, there was a place called The Krusty Krab, 人 们 会去那里吃一种叫蟹黄堡的食物
where folks would come to eat a thing called the Krabby Patty.
每个小餐 馆 都有一个 负责 油炸的厨 师 在 这 工作的厨 师
Every greasy spoon has a fry cook, and the one who worked here 叫海 绵 宝宝 "
was named SpongeBob SquarePants."
是 谁 住在深海的大 凤 梨里
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
SpongeBob SquarePants!
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he
好了好了 别 唱了
Just hold it. Hold it.
SpongeBob SquarePants!
如果四 处 探 险 是你的愿望
If nautical nonsense be something you wish
SpongeBob SquarePants!
那就敲敲甲板 让 大 鱼 开路
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish
SpongeBob SquarePants!
别 唱了 Stop!
只有一种 东 西比会 说话 的 鸟 更 烦 人 那就是 ...
There's only one thing worse than talking birds, and that
会唱歌 ♥ 的 鸟
Singing birds!
好啦 我保 证 不再唱昂昂昂了
Okay, I promise not to si-i-i-ng.
相信我 们
Take it from us.
他真的很 讨厌 会唱歌 ♥ 的 鸟
He really does hate singing birds.
请继续 "嘟 "下去吧 "掰 "托了 "嗨 "盗先森
Just keep weading. Pwease, Mr. Piwate, sir.
离我近点 好好听我 讲 故事
Come closer while I tell you the tale.
-好的 开始 读 吧 -不 不要那么近
-Okay, start reading. -No. Not that close!
好 我 们 接着 讲
All right, here we go.
海 绵 宝宝很 爱 他油炸厨 师 的工作
Now, SpongeBob loved his job as a fry cook
比任何 东 西都要 爱
more than anything.
而 这说 明了很多 东 西
And that is saying a lot
因 为 他 爱 所有的 东 西
because he loved everything!
他 爱 他的 宠 物 蜗 牛 盖瑞
He loved his pet snail, Gary.
他 爱 他最好的朋友 派大星
He loved his best friend, Patrick.
他 爱 吹泡泡
He loved blowing bubbles
还爱 抓水母
and jelly fishing.
他 爱为 比奇堡的人 们 做蟹黄堡
He loved making Krabby Patties for the folks of Bikini Bottom 人 们 也很 爱 吃
just as much as they loved eating them.
你可能会 问
Why, you may ask,
为 什么他 们这 么 爱 吃 这 种油 腻 的小三明治呢
do they love this greasy little sandwich so much?
为 什么他 们 会拿它当早餐
Why did they eat them for breakfast,
and dinner, 甚至无 视 他 们 医生的警告呢
despite their doctor's warnings?
He'll be gone in a week.
哦 哈罗德
Oh, Harold!
这 是个秘密
It was a secret.
No one was sure what was
是什么 让这 些 汉 堡如此美味
in these patties that made them so delicious.
而且 老 实说 没人在意 这 个
And, frankly, no one cared,
except for Plankton.
痞老板在蟹堡王餐 厅对 面
Plankton owned a restaurant right across the street
也开了一家餐 馆
from The Krusty Krab,
可没人愿意去那吃 饭 因 为 那里的食物太 难 吃了
where no one ate because the food was really bad.
有没有必要 这样损 我啊
Now, is that really necessary?
痞老板想方 设 法要 偷 蟹黄堡的秘方
Plankton had made it his life's work to steal the recipe.
海 绵 宝宝 拜托 我 们谈谈 吧
SpongeBob, please, let's talk about this!
然而每次都被海 绵 宝宝阻止了
And SpongeBob was always there to protect it.
但今天的情况 ...
But today,
似乎 发 生了改 变
would be different.
早啊 海 绵 宝宝
nice是什么中文意思Good morning, SpongeBob!
早啊 派大星
Morning, Patrick!
你是来拿你的餐前蟹黄堡的 吗
You here for your pre-lunch Krabby Patty?
I'm getting two today.
一份 给 我 一份 给 我的朋友
One for me and one for my friend.
你那朋友我 见过吗
Have I met this friend?
"你 认识 我的啊 海 绵 宝宝 "
"You know me, SpongeBob."
吃得开心 派大星的肚子君
Enjoy, Patrick's tummy.
十四 十五 ...
嘿 蟹老板 塔塔 酱 的送 货时间 不是星期四就 吗
Hey, Mr. Krabs, I thought we got our tartar sauce delivery on Thursday. 塔塔 ...
正中 红 心
他是想要掀起食物大 战吗
So it's a food fight he wants, eh?
欢 迎乘坐痞老板航 ♥ 空 ♥ 的航 ♥ 班 ♥
Welcome to Air Plankton.
请 您将您的座椅 调 直 收起您的小桌板
Please put your seat backs and tray tables up
我 们马 上就要抵达目的地了
as we're now approaching our final destination.
好的 派大星 装填土豆
Okay, Patrick, load the potatoes!
土豆泥 还 是土豆片 长 官
Mashed or scalloped, sir?
不 派大星 要生的
No, Patrick. Raw.
是 长官
Sir, yes, sir!
装填完 毕
Locked and loaded!
别 担心 小秘方 你在 这 个保 险 箱里会 ...
Don't worry, little formuler, you'll be safe
很保 险 的 safe.
He's closing in!
我想他大概 还 会有几分 钟 才会到 这
I think we have a few minutes before he gets here.