What's so funny? 你在笑什么?
Nothing. It's an acting exercise. I'm practicing my fake laugh. 没有,这是演技练习 我在练假笑
What? What's so funny? 你在笑什么?
No,no. There's none of that in here. 不行,店里不准抽烟
Come on. At least let me finish this last one. 至少让我抽完这一根
Only if you give me a drag. 好,但你得分我一口
Oh,dark mother,once again I suckle at your smoky teat. 妖女,我又吻上你的唇了
Why don't you hold on to that one. 整根都给你吧
That's like the least fun game ever. 这是最不好玩的游戏
I'm sick of your smoking, so I 我受够了,我带了一样东西
...that is going to help you quit. 可以帮助你戒烟
That patch is no good. 这个戒烟帖布不好用
It's a hypnosis tape. 这是催眠录音带
A woman at work used it for two weeks and hasn't smoked since. 我一个同事听了 两星期后再也没抽过烟
What's your problem? 你有什么意见?
Nothing. It's just that hypnosis is beyond crap. 没什么,只不过催眠是骗人的
I watched you get hypnotized in Atlantic City. 我在亚特兰大看过你被催眠
That guy did not hypnotize me,okay? 那傢伙没把我催眠,好吗?
You always pull your pants down and play "Wipe Out" on your butt. 是啊,你总是脱裤子 用屁股“通杀”
Forget hypnosis. 别用催眠了
The way to quit smoking is to dance naked in a field 想戒烟就得去石南地上裸舞
...and then bathe in the sweat of six healthy,young men. 然后用六个壮丁的汗水沐浴
Or what my father calls "Thursday night." 我爸管它叫“周四夜狂欢”
The One With the Hypnosis Tape 本集播出:“老少配”
-Here you go. -I didn't want cinnamon on this. 拿去 我不要加肉桂
Sorry. 对不起
Oh,my God! Frank! 天哪,法兰克
How are you? 你好吗?
What are you doing here? 你怎么来了?
I would've called, but I lost your number. 我本来想先打电话 但是号码弄丢了
And then my mom locked me out of the house,so I couldn't find it. 我妈把我锁在门外 我没办法进去
Then I tried to find a pay phone, and the receiver was cut off. 我了一具公共电话 话筒却被剪断了
What happened? 怎么了?
Vandalism. 有人破坏公物
But also,what happened between you and your mom? 那你和你妈怎么了?
We got in a fight. She said that I was too immature to get married. 我们吵架,她说我 不够成熟,不能结婚
You're getting married? 你要结婚了?
My little brother's getting married! 我的弟弟要结婚了
I knew you'd be so cool about this. Do you wanna meet her? 我就知道你会替我高兴 你想见她吗?
Do l? 你说呢?
Do you? 你想吗?
Yeah,I do. 当然想
Cool,all right. She's just parking the truck. 太好了,她正在停卡车
I gonna go get my fiancee,man! 我去带我的未婚妻来
I'd have bet good money that he'd be the first one of us to get married. 我就知道他会最早结婚
Isn't it fantastic? 这不是很棒吗?
Don't you think he's a little young to get married? 你不觉得他稍嫌年轻?
Well,he's 18. 他已经18岁了
It'll be illegal for him to drink at his own bachelor party. 他在最后单身派对上不能喝酒
Yeah,or to get a hooker. 也不能叫鸡
Always illegal,Joe. 叫鸡本来就违法
This is 这是我的未婚妻
... Mrs. IKnight. 奈特老师
That's my sister. 那是我
You know,it's funny. 说来好笑
Frank told me so much about you,but you're not how I pictured you at all. 法兰克经常提到你 你却跟我想像的不一样
Yeah,I'm a big surprise. 是啊,我很令人意外
Here,grab a seat. 坐吧
So how did you guys meet? 你们是怎么认识的?
I was in Mrs. 我去上奈特老师的…
I mean,Alice. Sorry. I always do that. 我是说爱丽丝 抱歉,我老是叫错
I was in her home-ec class. 我去上她的家政课
He was my best student. 他是我最好的学生
She was my best teacher. 她是我最好的老师
If that doesn't keep kids in school, what will? 真是让学生不跷课的好方法
And so now you guys are gonna be married? 你们要结婚了?
We talked about just 我们本来只考虑同居
...but we want kids right away. 但是我们想马上生小孩
Oh,my God! 天哪
Great! 太好了
IKids. Frank,are you sure you're ready for that? 小孩?法兰克 你真的准备好了?
How hard can it be? 能有多难?
You know,I mean,babies. Who doesn't want babies? Right? 谁不想要小宝宝,对吧?
And besides, I never had a dad around. 而且我一直没有爸爸陪伴
And now I always will, because it'll be me. 以后就有了,因为我就是爸爸
Really,we do realize that there's an age difference between us. 我们知道我们的岁数差很多
Good. Because you were acting like you didn't. 那就好 你们看起来好像不知道
But when it comes to love, what does age matter? 但是在爱情里,年龄不是问题
You are falling fast asleep. 你正在进入梦乡
Deeper,deeper,deeper. 越睡越沉,越睡越沉
You are now completely asleep. 你已经睡着了
You don't need to smoke. 你不需要抽烟
Cigarettes don't control you. 香烟不能控制你
You are a strong, 你是坚强、有自信的女性
... who does not need to smoke. 你不需要抽烟
A strong,confident woman. 坚强、有自信的女性
You know what? 你知道吗?
I realized in the last year I've only gone out with Richard and Julio. 我发现去年我只和 李察、胡立欧交往过
You gotta help me out,set me up. Get me back in the game. 你得帮我牵线,让我重回情场
nice是什么中文意思Not a problem. 没问题