Eligibility for CET-4 Examination.
1. Chinese Citizenship: Applicants must hold Chinese citizenship and be permanent residents of China.
英语四级满分多少 2. Educational Background: Applicants must have completed a Chinese senior high school education or equivalent and currently be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at an accredited Chinese university or college.
3. Academic Standing: Applicants must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 or higher and have no outstanding disciplinary issues.
4. Age Limit: Applicants must be between 18 and 28 years old as of the date of the examination.
Application Process.
1. Registration: Applicants must register online at the official website of the National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA). The registration period typically opens in November.
2. Payment: Applicants must pay a registration fee and an examination fee. The fees vary depending on the location of the examination.
3. Examination Date: The CET-4 examination is typically held in June and December. Applicants can choose their preferred examination date and city.
4. Admission Ticket: Applicants will receive an admission ticket with their assigned examination time, location, and seat number.
5. Examination Format: The CET-4 examination consists of three sections: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing. Each section is timed and tested separately.
6. Scoring: The CET-4 examination is scored on a scale of 1 to 710. Applicants must score a minimum of 425 to pass the examination.
1. 中国籍: 报名者必须持有中国国籍且在中国大陆常住。
2. 学历背景: 报名者必须已完成中国普通高中教育或同等学历,且目前在经认可的中国大学或学院全日制本科在读。
3. 学业成绩: 报名者须成绩保持2.5或以上,无不良纪律记录。
4. 年龄限制: 报名者须在考试日期年满18周岁且不超过28周岁。
1. 报名: 报名者需登录全国教育考试权威机构(NEEA)在线报名。报名时间一般在11月开启。
2. 缴费: 报名者须缴纳报名费和考试费。费用因考试地点而异。
3. 考试日期: CET-4考试一般在6月和12月举行。报名者可选择自己喜欢的考试日期和城市。
4. 准考证: 报名者将收到准考证,上面载有考试时间、地点和座位号等信息。
5. 考试形式: CET-4考试包括三个部分,听力理解、阅读理解和写作。各部分有时间限制,单独作答。
6. 成绩计算: CET-4考试满分为710分。报名者须达到425分才能通过考试。