San Gang and Wu Chang are the three cardinal social relationships and five constant virtues that have influenced Chinese society for centuries. San Gang refers to the relationships between ruler and subject, father and son, and husband and wife, while Wu Chang are the virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faithfulness.
Si Wei and Ba De are also important ethical principles in Chinese culture. Si Wei refers to the four interpersonal norms of humanity, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom, while Ba De refers to the eight virtues of filial piety, fraternal affection, loyalty, trustworthiness, righteousness, integrity, harmony, and peace.
These concepts have been expounded upon in numerous books and commentaries throughout Chinese history. Some of the most influential works include:
The Analects of Confucius (论语) by Confucius (551-479 BCE)。
The Book of Mencius (孟子) by Mencius (372-289 BCE)。
The Great Learning (大学) by Zengzi (505-436 BCE)。
The Doctrine of the Mean (中庸) by Zisi (480-402 BCE)。
The Book of Rites (礼记) by Li Xueqin (720-649 BCE)。
The Book of Filial Piety (孝经) by Kongzi (551-479 BCE)。
The Classic of Poetry (诗经) by various authors (1046-771 BCE)。
The Book of Songs (楚辞) by Qu Yuan (340-278 BCE)。
These works provide detailed explanations of the principles of San Gang, Wu Chang, Si Wei, and Ba De, and have served as the foundation for Chinese ethical thought for over two thousand years.
《论语》 孔子(前551-前479)。
《孟子》 孟子(前372-前289)。
《大学》 曾子(前505-前436)。
《中庸》 子思(前480-前402)。
《礼记》 李学勤(前720-前649)。
《孝经》 孔子(前551-前479)。
《诗经》 众人作(前1046-前771)。
五常指的是什么 《楚辞》 屈原(前340-前278)。