〔A〕泵浦系泊试验    for pumps
1、管路〔设备〕安装检查     To check the piping〔equipment〕installation.
2、起动试验      Starting Test.
3、电流〔电阻〕测量     To measure the electrical current〔electrical resistance〕.
4、运转〔真空〕试验    Operation (Vacuum) test.
5、自动运转〔起、停〕试验   Automatic change-over (start / stop) test.
6、报警试验    Alarm test.

〔B〕、锅炉系泊试验  for boiler
1、相关系统检查    To check the relative systems.
2、给水〔燃油〕泵运装试验  Running test for water feed〔fuel oil〕pump.
3、锅炉及附件安装检查    To check the installation of boiler and its accessories.
4、电气系统安装检查      To check the installation of electrical systems.
5、锅炉自动给水   Automatically feed water for boiler.
6、自动转换〔给水〕试验   Automatic change-over (feed water) test.
7、集控室水位遥测   The remote measurement of water level in ECR.
8、锅炉点火燃烧运行    Ignition and combustion test for boiler.
9、燃烧器自动切断    Automatic cut-off for burner.
10、锅炉自动燃烧控制    Automatic combustion control for boiler.
11、安全阀试验    Safety valve test.
12、蓄压试验    Pressure accumulation test.
13、应急停炉试验  Emergency stop test for boiler.
14、锅炉蒸发量测定   To measure the steam production (evaporation) of the boiler.
15、手动调节过量蒸汽阀   Hand-adjusting excessive steam valve.
16、给水〔燃油〕流量  Feed water〔F.O.〕 flowmeter.
17、蒸发量   steam production / evaporation.
18、记录其它数据   To record the other data.
19、燃油器断开   To cut-off the burner.
20、高〔低〕火燃烧  high (low) combustion.
21、燃烧器起动燃烧   The burner has started to fire.
22、锅炉蒸汽压力高〔低〕报警   Boiler high (low) steam pressure alarm.
23、燃烧温度高〔低〕报警    High (low) combustion temperature alarm.
24、给水盐度高报警  Feed water high salinity alarm.
25、燃烧器回油管高压报警   The burner return oil pipe high pressure alarm.
26、循环油管低压报警    Circulating oil pipe low pressure alarm.

〔C〕、废气锅炉系泊试验  Mooring test for exhaust gas boiler
1、相关系统确认    To confirm the relative systems.
2、锅炉报警点试验    Boiler alarm point test.
3、高水位报警     High water level alarm.
4、备用给水泵启动报警    Standby water feed pump starting alarm.
5、给水泵开〔关〕   To start (stop) the water feed pump.
6、液位遥测    Remote level measurement.

〔D〕、主空压机系统试验    Mooring test for main air compressor
1、机旁〔遥控〕起停试验   Start (stop) test by local control (remote control).
2、机带安全阀试验    Engine-drive safety valve test.
3、滑油低压    L.O. low pressure.
4、空气出口高温   Air outlet high temperature.
5、声光报警   Audible and visual alarm.
6、冷却水高温  Cooling water high temperature.
7、主空气瓶安全阀  Main air bottle safety valve.
8、充气试验    Air charging test.
9、空气瓶密性  The tightness of air bottle.
〔E〕、机舱风机系泊试验Mooring test for the ventilator in E/R.
1、通风系统安装检查  To check the installation of air ventilation system.
2、风机安装检查   To check ventilator installation.
3、运转试验    Running test
4、电源/电阻测量   To measure the power (resistance).
5、风量测定(调节)   To measure〔adjust〕the ventilator air flow.
6、风量调节   To adjust the air flow.
7、应急风闸关闭试验  Emergency stop test for the damper.

〔F〕、油水别离器系泊试验   Mooring test for oily water separator
1、管路安装检查  To check the piping installation.
2、舱底水沉淀柜   Bilge settling tank.
3、设备安装检验  To check equipment installation.胃不舒服吃什么好
产权证查询4、别离试验    Oily water separating test.mother的含义
5、注入净水    Fill in clean water.
6、污水井高位报警  Sewage tank high level alarm.
7、辅舱底泵运转试验   The running test of aux. Bilge pump.
8、低位自动停泵试验   Pump low level automatic stop test.
9、高含油量报警   High oil content alarm.

〔G〕机舱行车系泊试验   For overhead traveling crane in E/R.
1、安全装置模拟试验  Simulating test for safety device.
国庆放几天2、行车空车运转   No-load test for overhead traveling crane.
3、检查限位开关   To check the limit switch.
4、静负荷试验  Static load test.
5、负荷限制功能试验  Load-limit function test.
6、行程限位开关试验  Stroke limit switch test.
7、热态绝缘测量  To measure the hot insulation resistance.
8、清洁   Clear up.
9、铭牌   Nameplate.
10、接地安全检查  To check the grounding.

〔H〕、控制空气干燥器系泊试验Mooring test for the control air dryer dehumidifier.
1、管系安装完整  The installation of the piping is complete.
2、计时板设定检查   To check the setting of the timing plate.
3、电指示灯亮   The power indicator is on.
4、干燥器前后压差  Pressure difference after the dryer.

〔I〕、分油机系泊试验 for the purifier
1、分油机安装检查  To check the installation of the purifier.
2、电器系统检查   To check the electrical system.
3、报警点试验   Alarm points test.
4、分油机排水监控  Monitoring of purifier discharge.
5、分油机排渣试验  Sludge discharging test for the purifier.
6、应急停车试验  Emergency stop test.
7、正常运行试验8小时   Running at normal conditions for 8 hours.
8、串联运行试验     In-line running test.

〔J〕、燃烧炉系泊试验 for the incinerator
1、强力风机运转试验   The running test for the forced blower.
2、保护及报警装置试验  Protection & alarm unit test.
3、蒸汽调温阀试验    Steam temperature-regulating valve test.
4、柴油(废油)0.5小时后     Running with D.O. (Waste oil) for half an hour.
5、可燃固体废料   Combustible solid waste.
6、柴油低压停止   D.O. low pressure stop.
7、强力风机〔燃烧器〕过载停止   Force fan〔The burner〕overload stop.
8、点火〔电源〕故障停止   Ignition〔Power〕 failure stop.
9、炉膛高温停止   The combustion chamber high-temp stop.
10、排气高温停止   Exhaust air high-temp stop.
11、废油低温停   Waste oil low-temp stop.
12、投料门打开停止   Feed door opening stop.
13、排气风机低压〔过载〕停止   Exhaust fan low-press (overload) stop.
14、维修门〔燃烧器〕打开停止   Maintenance door〔The burner〕opening stop.

天龙八部骨灵腰带〔K〕、主机系泊试验 for M/E
1、起动空气管吹洗 Blowing-off of the starting air pipe.
2、启动换向试验Change-over starting test.
3、机旁应急停车试验 Emergency stop test by engine side.
4 、集控室〔桥楼〕应急停车试验 ECR〔Bridge〕emergency stop test.
5、超速试验  Over speed test.
6、滑油〔凸轮轴滑油〕低压停车 L.O.〔Camshaft L.O.〕low-press stop.
7、推力块高温停车  Thrust block high-temp stop.
8、淡水高温停车 F.W. high-temp stop.
9、自动降速试验 Automatic slow-down test.
10、主滑油入口压力低降速  Main L.O. inlet low pressure slow-down.
11、凸轮轴滑油入口温度高降速Camshaft L.O. inlet high temperature slow-down.
12、扫气箱高温降速  Scavenging box high temperature slow-down.
13、曲轴箱油雾高降速Crankshaft high oil mist slow-down.
14、活塞冷却油出口流量低降速Piston cooling oil outlet low flow slow-down.
15、缸套水入口压力低降速 Cylinder liner water inlet low pressure slow-down.
16、活塞冷却油入口压力低降速Piston cooling oil inlet low pressure slow-down.
17、推力轴承滑油温度Thrust bearing L.O. temperature.
18、滑油进口温度高降速 L.O inlet high temperature slow-down.
19、气缸润滑油 Cylinder L.O.
20、主机轴向振动监测  To monitor the M/E axial vibration.
21、气缸冷却淡水高温降速Cylinder cooling fresh water high-temp slow-down.
22、起动空气低压报警 Starting air low-press alarm.
23、控制〔安全〕空气未放大气报警 Control (Safety) air non-function alarm.
24、燃油〔滑油〕滤器高压差报警F.O. (L.O.) filter high pressure difference alarm.
25、淡水进出口压差低报警  F.W. inlet & outlet low pressure difference alarm.
26、气缸滑油低流量报警Cylinder L.O. low flow alarm.
27、活塞冷却油出口流量低报警Piston cooling oil outlet low flow alarm.
28、温度报警试验 Temperature alarm.
29、燃油〔主滑油〕入口高温报警F.O. (L.O.) inlet high-temp alarm.
30、推力块滑油高温报警Thrust block L.O. high-temp alarm.
31、凸轮轴滑油入口高温报警 Camshaft L.O. inlet high-temp alarm.
32、排气增压器出口高温报警 Turbocharger outlet high-temp alarm.
33、燃油粘度高〔低〕报警 F.O. high〔low〕viscosity alarm.
34、桥楼起动失败报警  Bridge starting failure alarm.
35、桥楼自动降速报警Bridge auto slow-down alarm.
36、辅助鼓风机故障报警Aux. Blower failure alarm.
37、控制〔车钟〕电源故障报警 Control (telegraph) power failure alarm.
38、低温淡水中油份高报警 Low-temp F.W. high oil content alarm.
39、起动失败报警 Starting failure alarm.
40、桥楼控制条件未满足报警Bridge control conditions not satisfied alarm.
41、安全系统故障报警Safety system failure alarm.
42、燃油凸轮位置故障报警 F.O. cam abnormal position alarm.
43、错向报警 Wrong-way alarm.
44、油雾探测器故障报警Oil mist detector failure alarm.
45、完车故障报警 F.W.E abnormal alarm.
46、高压燃油管泄漏油箱高位报警High-press F.O. pipe drain tank high level alarm.
47、应急停车电源故障Emergency stop power failure.
48、盘车机操作试验 Turning gear operation test.
49、盘车机联锁装置Turning gear interlock unit.
50、应急操作台操作试验Emergency control console maneuvering test.
51、辅助鼓风机自动起动〔停止〕Aux blower auto start (stop).
52、主机运转试验 M/E running test.
53、正车1小时  Ahead for one hour.
54、倒车10分钟 Astern for 10 minutes.
55、轴系运行情况  The running condition of the shafting.
56、各缸工作参数  Working parameters for each cylinder.
57、各缸功率 Output of each cylinder.

〔L〕发电机系泊试验 Mooring test for D/G
1、滑油〔燃油〕低压报警  L.O (F.O.) low-press alarm.
2、预供滑油低压报警 Pre-supply L.O. low-press alarm.
3、缸套冷却水高温报警Cylinder liner cooling water high-temp alarm.
4、燃油滤器高压差报警 F.O. filter high pressure difference alarm.
5、起动空气低压报警  Starting air low-press alarm.
6、发电机轴承温度高报警D/G bearing high-temp alarm.
7、滑油进增压器低压报警Low-press alarm of L.O. filling into turbocharger.
8、增压器出口〔进口〕高温报警  Turbocharger outlet (inlet) high-temp alarm.
9、超速保护停车 Over-speed trip.
10、压缩空气起动试验 Compressed air starting test.
11、柴油机负荷试验 Diesel engine load test.
12、50%负荷半小时 50%load for 30min.
13、调速器灵敏性试验 The speed-governor sensibility test.
14、突加试验 Sudden load take-on test.
15、瞬时〔稳定〕调速率≤10%   Instantaneous〔Steady〕speed-regulating rate10%
16、稳定时间≤5秒 Stead time≤5 sec.
17、热拐档测量 To measure thermal deflection.

〔M〕部分设备安全阀    Safety valves for some equipment
1、卫生水压力柜安全阀Sanitary water pressure tank safety valve.
2、辅机燃油加热器安全阀 Aux. Engine F.O. heater safety valve.
3、主〔付〕空气瓶安全阀Main (Aux.) air bottle safety valve.
4、锅炉安全阀    Boiler safety valve.
如何使用干粉灭火器5、主机〔发电机〕缸头安全阀M/E (D/G) cylinder head safety valve.
6、燃油循环泵〔燃油供应泵〕安全阀  F.O. circulating pump (supply pump) safety valve.
〔N〕、箱柜液位高、低位报警    Tank high (low) level alarm
1、燃油〔柴油〕沉淀柜低位报警  F.O. (D.O.) settling tank low level alarm.
2、燃油泄放柜高位报警 F.O. drainage tank high level alarm.
3、主机滑油循环柜高位报警M/E L.O. circulating tank high level alarm.
4、发电机燃油回油柜低位报警 D/G F.O. return tank low level alarm.
5、应急发电机柴油柜高位报警 Emergency generator D.O. tank high level tank.
6、艉轴管滑油重力柜低位报警Stern tube L.O. gravity tank low level alarm.
7、燃油溢流舱高位报警  F.O. overflow tank high level alarm.
8、主机淡水膨胀箱高温〔低位〕报警M/E F.W. expansion tank high-temp (low level) alarm.
9、舱底水油别离器泄放柜高位报警  Bilge water separator drainage tank high level alarm.
10、气缸油日用柜低位报警Cylinder oil service tank low level alarm.
11、辅机膨胀水箱低位报警   Aux. Engine expansion tank low level alarm
