集邮[jí yóu]
stamp collecting:集邮。
1. collect stamps:你有集邮(collect stamps)的爱好吗?请谈谈你集邮的历史. 如果没有,也可以谈谈你别的爱好,以此为内容用英语写一篇60词左右的短文.
2. philately:[乌龙BBS](洛城冰牛奶茶坊-----美国南加州洛杉矶第一大华人部落格 -by ) 集邮(Philately)天地---方寸之间的乐趣引用:从小就养成集邮的习惯,从清朝到民国,从日韩到瓯美,集邮册也从一本激增到二十几本,到了美国之后,偶尔看到漂亮邮票,
3. collecting stamps:long distance running 长跑 | collecting stamps 集邮 | jogging 慢跑
4. stamp collecting:hobby 兴趣,爱好 | stamp collecting 集邮 | handicraft 手工艺
1. 三年前我喜欢上了集邮。
I falt in love with stamps-collecting 3 years ago.
2. 我对集邮产生的兴趣是从学生时代就起头了。
My interest in stamp collecting dates back to my schooldays.
3. 我的一个爱好就是集邮?
One of my pursuits is to collect stampt.
4. 我对硬币感兴趣,但我首先是个集邮的。
I'm interested in coins, but first of all I'm a stamp collector.
5. 我对古钱币感兴趣,但最感兴趣的'还是集邮。
I'm interested in old coins, but first of all I'm a stamp collector.
6. 他拿起集邮簿,翻到扉页。
He took up the stamp album and opened it at the fly leaf.
7. 香港邮政公布了邮件派递、集邮和柜位服务的服务承诺。
Pledges are published for the delivery of mail, philatelic and''.
8. 他的集邮被认为是珍品。
His collection of stamps is regarded as a white crow.
9. 我儿子是集邮爱好者。
My son is a stamp collector.
什么是bbs10. 他对集邮感兴趣。
He is interested in his stamp collection.
11. 闲暇的时候,我喜欢照顾我的鱼缸和整理我的集邮。
In my spare time, I enjoy taking care of my aquarium and working on my stamp collection.
12. 如果喜欢,你可以从我的集邮品中挑选一些。
If you do you can look out some from my stamp collection.