1、 来访请登记并佩戴此证,携带自有物品进入时须事先声明并进行登记,离开时交回此证; 2、进入公司须遵守公司各项规章制度; 3、车辆故障、漏油或载有违禁品、危险品时不得驶入厂区; 4、车辆厂区内限速15km/h,禁止鸣笛,按指定路线行驶和停放; 5、装卸货物时须按指定位置,不得随意停靠,不乱丢废弃物; 6、携带物品外出需有《物品出门证》; 7、本公司实行禁烟,请勿在厂区内吸烟; 8、厂区内未经允许谢绝拍照、摄像; 9、未经允许,不得擅自进入办公区、生产或研发车间; 10、欢迎您对我司工作进行监督并提出改进意见。 1. PLS register and take this VIP card during visiting, and return it when leave. 2. PLS obey the company’s rules and regulations. 3. 什么是被挡访客Vehicle with oil leaking, or hazardous materials is not allow to enter. 4. The limited speed in plant is 15 km/h, and parking in designated area. 5. Loading and unloading goods in designated area. 6. PLS provide “Goods release note” when take any goods out of plant. 7. No smoking except in designated area. 8. PLS do not photograph without permission. 9. PLS no not enter office, operation and R&D area without permission. 10. Your comments and advice will be appreciated. |