大学英语3本阶段练习 test3 
I. Grammar Points 网络统考语法考点梳理----虚拟语气;定语从句;状语从句;宾语从句; 非谓语
1. If the whole program __D___ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.
  A. was not planned        B. were not planned   
  C. would not be planned    D. had not been planned
2. Isn’t it about the time you __A___ to do morning exercises
  A. began    B. begin    C. should begin    D. have begun
3. I’m very grateful to you for what you’ve given me and _D___ you have done for me.
  A. which    B. that      C. all what        D. all that
4. He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I __C__ of hunger.
  A. would be died    B. would die    C. would have died    D. will die
5. This article deals with the natural phenomenon which _B___ most interesting to everyone.
  A. are    B. is    C. they are    D. it is
6. He’s determined to finish the job _B___ long it takes.
  A. no matter    B. however    C. wherever    D. whatever
7. Though Jane is satisfied with her success, she wonders __D___ will happen to her private life.
  A. how        B. who        C. that        D. what
8. TOEFL is a test for students __A___ native language is not English.
  A. whose        B. of whom    C. that    D. which
9. We desire that the tour leader _A___ us immediately of any changes in plan.
  A. inform        B. informs      C. informed    D. has informed
10. These two areas are similar __D___ they both have a high rainfall during this season.
  A. to that        B. besides that    C. except that    D. in that
11. Scientists say it may be five or ten years _B___ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.
  A. since        B. before        C. after    D. when
12. This is a very difficult operation. It’s essential that you _C___ for emergency.
  A. be prepared    B. would prepare    C. be prepared    D. must be prepared
13. Most insurance agents would rather you __C__ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.
  A. don’t do      B. would not do    C. didn’t do    D. do not
14. Her suntanned face suggested that she _A__ in excellent health.
  A. be          B. is      C. was    D. were
15. __B___ evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulated.
  A. It being      B. There is    C. It is    D. There being
16. Mary didn’t have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _B__ for the exam.
  A. to prepare    B. preparing    C. to be prepared    D. being prepared
17. That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but __D__ the police.
  A. called in      B. calling in    C. call in          D. to call in
18. The match was cancelled because most of the members _A_ a match without a standard court.
  A. objected to having      B. objected to have   
C. were objected to have  D. were objected to having
19. Having been asked to speak at the convention __D___.
  A. some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
  B. the convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
  C. some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
  D. Dr. Smith prepared some notes
20. Ever since the Smiths moves to the suburbs a year ago, they _C___ better health.
  A. could have enjoyed    B. had enjoyed  C. have been enjoying  D. are enjoying
II. Vocabulary 课本词汇加强练习
3本大学21. Teachers need to be ___A_____ the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience.
  A. aware of    B. understood of  C. known of    D. clear of
22. He finally gave in to an _B___ urge to smoke and lit up a cigarette.
  A. overcoming    B. overwhelming    C. defeating    D. conquering
23. He took the lead, and ___C___ it until the end of the race.
  A. attain    B. retain    C. maintain    D. contain
24. The girl ___B____ the alarm the moment she saw the smoking rising from the cottage.
  A. rose    B. raised    B. arose    D. increased 
25. No longer feeling up to his work, the manager had no choice but to_A__ from his position.
  A. resign  B. remove    C. withdraw    D. move 
26. Some experts believe that girls are more ___C____ in language than boys.
  A. skill        B. related                C. talented            D. benefit
27. The company has ___D___ their operation to the 12 major cities along the coast.
