    1. "Exchange gifts",互相交换礼物。
    例如,On Christmas day, families gather together to exchange gifts and enjoy a festive meal.
    2. "Give presents",赠送礼物。
    例如,Children eagerly wait for Santa Claus to come and give them presents on Christmas Eve.
    3. "Share gifts",分享礼物。
    例如,During the holiday season, it is common to share gifts with friends and loved ones.
    4. "Present giving",赠送礼物。
    例如,The tradition of present giving is an important part of Christmas celebrations.
    5. "Gift exchange",礼物交换。
    例如,In our office, we organize a gift exchange where everyone randomly selects a colleague to buy a present for.
    6. "Offer gifts",提供礼物。
    例如,At Christmas parties, guests are encouraged to offer gifts to each other as a token of appreciation.
    7. "Send presents",寄送礼物。
圣诞礼物推荐    例如,If you can't be with your family on Christmas, you can still send presents to them to show your love and care.
    8. "Bestow gifts",赐予礼物。
    例如,In some cultures, it is believed that Santa Claus bestows gifts upon well-behaved children on Christmas Eve.
    9. "Deliver gifts",送达礼物。
    例如,Santa Claus travels around the world to deliver gifts to children while they are asleep on Christmas Eve.
    10. "Exchange Christmas presents",交换圣诞礼物。
    例如,Friends often gather on Christmas morning to exchange Christmas presents and enjoy the joyous atmosphere.
