(时间:50分钟)(Module 3-Module 4)
Class _______ Name_______ No_________ Assessment ________
( )4.A. mountain    B.beach    C.island
( )2.A. invite    B.visit    C.write
( )3.A.bear    B.dear    C.near
( )4.A. guy    B.buy    C.hey
( )5.A. 4:15    B.3:45    C.4:45
( )6.A. September 13th    B.October 17th    C.October 7th
( )7.A. many valleys    B.many vegetables    C.many mountains
( ) first trip    B.my second trip    C.my third trip
( )9.A.the Great Wall    B.Hainan Island    C.the Summer Palace ( )10.A.86313622l    B.86324622    C.86413662
( )1. A.Y es, I am.    B. I'd love to, but I'm busy.    C. No, it isn't.
( )2. A. That's great!    B. No, I don't.    C. No, it isn't.
( )3. A. By bike.    B. At 5:00.    C. In my house. ( )4. A. By car.    B. My uncle.    C. In the school. ( )5. A. It will be 2 hours.    B. It will begin at 7:    C. In the cinema. ( )6. A. I'm going on foot.    B. To visit Guangzhou Zoo.    C. To eat Beijing Duck ( )7. A.A. I'm going to Panyu.    B. She is going by bus.    C. Panyu.
( )8. A. He is going by bus.    B.Next Tuesday.    C.She is there.
1. This ________ is from Tom’s uncle.
2.No problem! I will come back ________.
3. I hope I can have a __________ birthday party next year.
4.Boys and girls!Let’s ________ our class.
5.Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I want to give her a ______ .
6.That’s ________! Y ou can go to Sydney this holiday.
7. My father often takes a _____ around the _____ after dinner.
( )1. Mike wants to invite Tom and his family to see a football match.
( )2. This match is between No.47 Middle School and No. 113 Middle School. ( )3. Mike will take part in(参加)this match.
( )4. This match will be held in Tianhe Sports Centre on October 14th .
( )5. Tom should arrive at 3:
( )6. Tom can call Mike on 8523-5610.
A.I always go to school on foot.
B.They will go to Foshan by bus.
C. We can go to the cinema by taxi.
D. Lily will go to Hainan by ship.
E. I'm going to visit England by plane.
F. I'd like to go to the park by bike.
G. Mike is going to Beijing by train. H. They usually go to work by underground.
1.We are going to see a f________  in the cinema tonight.
2. Let's go to visit the G_____ W_____ this summer holiday .
3. My grandpa often takes a w______ after supper.
4. The children will meet at the school g_____.
5. There is a boat on the l______.
6. There are some buses at the s____.
7. Lily goes to the s______ every weekend.
8. We will stay in Shanghai H_____ when we travel in Shanghai. 八、选用适当的单词把邀请函补充完整。15% (A)    Dear David ,
I ’m going to1.______a swimming pool party this Friday afternoon . The party will 2.____  at 2:00 . It will be held in my house. Would you like to 3._____to the party? Please 4.______      your swimming suit with you. We will have ice cream ,cookies and lots of drinks. If you are coming ,please 5._____
_me.                                                                                                                                  From                                                              Pam  (B)
Dear Nickle ,
I ’d like to 1._______ you to my reading party at the school meeting room. This party will 2.____ at 9: this Saturday ,April 11th . And it is a special party for our classmates.Janet,Ben and Jack will 3._____ some interesting books to the party . So we can 4._____ many different books at the party
come    have    bring    start    call
share    begin    arrive    bring    invite
If you are coming, please call me on 6983254 . And please 5._____ at 8:
Hope to see you at the party.
Y ours,
九、读短文,判断句子是否符合短文内容,如相符,在括号内写T,否则写F。12% National Day(国庆节)is coming. Mike will have a seven-day trip during this holiday. He is going to Hong Kong with his family. They are going to leave Guangzhou at ten o'clock on October 1st . At first, they will take a bus to Shenzhen. Then they are going to Hong Kong by train. They arc going
to live in the hotel. They will visit Ocean Park(诲洋公园),Victoria Harbour(维多利亚港)and Disneyland(迪士尼乐园). They are going shopping, too. They will stay there for about four days. On the afternoon of October 5th , they will come back to Guangzhou by bus.
( )1. Mike is going to Hong Kong during his holiday with his friends.
( )2. They are going to leave Guangzhou at 10:00 on Oct. 1st.
( )3. They will visit the zoo and go shopping in Hong Kong.
( )4. They are going to stay in Hong Kong for six days.
( )5. They will come back to Guangzhou by train.
( )6. They are going to come back to Guangzhou on October 5th.
To whom Activity Time Place Who invites
Tim Mary Diana Peter’s birthday party
Selina on February 5th
Sam in G.Z. Restaurant
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