forget doing造句简单
forget doing造句简单
1. I forget doing my homework last night, and now I'm in trouble.我昨晚忘记做作业了,现在惹上麻烦了。
2. Don't forget doing your laundry before you leave for the trip.在出发旅行之前不要忘记洗衣服。
3. She always forgets doing to turn off the lights when she leaves the room.她总是忘记了离开房间前关灯。
4. He forgot doing to lock the door before going to bed.
5. I forget doing to set my alarm clock, so I overslept this morning.我忘记了设置闹钟,所以今天早上睡过头了。
6. Please don't forget doing to pick up some groceries on your way home.请不要忘记在回家
7. They often forget doing to water the plants, so they don't thrive.他们经常忘记浇花,所以植物长势不好。
8. If you forget doing to pay the bills, you may incur late fees. 如果你忘记付账单,可能要支付滞纳金。
9. She forgot doing to bring her umbrella, and got caught in the rain.她忘记带伞了,结果被雨淋了。
10. We should never forget doing to show gratitude to those who help us.我们不应该忘记感激那些帮助我们的人。
11. Don't forget doing to check your email for important updates.不要忘记查看以获取重要更新。
12. He always forgets doing to call his mother on her birthday.他总是忘记在母亲生日时给她打电话。
13. Forget doing to turn off the stove can be dangerous, so always double-check.忘记关炉灶可能会很危险,所以一定要仔细检查。
