    How to Handle Minor Traffic Accidents with JiaoGuan 12123。
    1. Gather Information: After a minor traffic accident, ensure the safety of yourself and others involved. Exchange information with the other drivers, including names, contact details, driver's license numbers, insurance information, and vehicle registration numbers.
    2. Take Photos: Use your phone or camera to take pictures of the accident scene, damage to vehicles, and any visible injuries. These photos will serve as evidence.
    3. File a Report: Open the JiaoGuan 12123 app and select "Accident Report" from the main menu. Fill out the required details, including the accident time, location, and circumstances.
    4. Upload Evidence: Attach the photos you took of the accident scene and damage to your report. You can also add any witness statements or medical records.
    5. Submit the Report: Once you have completed the report, review it carefully and ensure all information is accurate. Submit the report through the app.
    6. Await Confirmation: The JiaoGuan 12123 platform will process your report and send you a confirmation message. The other driver(s) will also receive a notification and be prompted to provide their information.
    7. Insurance Claim: Contact your insurance company to report the accident and initiate a claim. Provide them with the JiaoGuan 12123 report number and any other relevant information.
    8. Follow-up: Check the JiaoGuan 12123 app regularly for updates on your accident report. You may need to provide additional information or attend a hearing if required.
    1. 收集信息,发生小事故后,确保自身及其他涉事人员安全后,交换彼此信息,包括双方姓名、、驾驶证号、保险信息、车辆注册信息。
    2. 拍照取证,用手机或相机拍照记录事故现场、车辆受损情况、人员伤势等,作为证据。
    3. 报案,打开交管12123手机app,在首页选择“事故快处”。填写报案信息,包括事故时间、地点、经过等。
    4. 上传证据,将拍照的现场、损毁情况等照片,附加在报案中。如实添加证人证言、伤势情况等证据材料。
    5. 提交报案,填写完毕后,仔细核对信息准确无误,通过app上传并提交报案。
    6. 等待确认,交管12123平台对报案进行处理,并给你发送确认短信。对方当事人也将会收到短信通知,提示提供相应信息。
    7. 理赔,联系保险公司报案理赔,提供交管12123报案编号及相关材料。
    8. 后续跟进,及时在交管12123 app查看报案进展,如需补充材料或参加听证会,平台会
