考研高频核心词根第七组 (tain)
词根:t ain
tain词根来源于OF (Old French)
tenir = hold=持有(象一个弯弯的鱼钩) 派生出三个词根:ten, tain, tin, 见下表:
maintain = main (=manus,表示手) + tain (hold, 持有) →原始词义:把…握于手中→派生词义:
[词义1] 把东西握在手中→ vt. 维持;保持= preserve
[词义2] 把信念握在手中→ vt.主张; 断言= claim
[词义3] 把任何东西握在手中, 保护它→ vt.维护,保养(例如:道路,车辆,汽车等)= look after [词义4] 把工具握在手中,劳动以维持生计(例如:孩子或家庭)→ vt. 支持,负担,供养= provide for, keep
1. Under the threat of the recent Financial Tsunami, governments of many countries are taking measures to maintain the stability of prices.
2. In spite of other people’s advice, he stoutly maintained that he was right.
3. Some of the funds were channeled to maintain the road.
4. This young father has to maintain his family by his own effort.
maintenance = maintain的名词形式→原始词义:维持的东西→派生词义:
[词义1] 维持物品的性能→ n.保养
[词义2] 维持信念的不变→ n. 维持,坚持
[词义3] 维持生活的运转→ n. (政府补贴给低收入人的) 生活费= allowance, alimony
sustain = sus (sub 由下向上) + tain (hold,拿起) →原始词义:举起,拿起→派生词义:
ntd[词义1] 向上举起生活的负担→ v. 维持,供养= maintain
[词义2] 向上举起挫折和冲击→ v. 遭受,忍受, 经受住= suffer
[词义3] 向上举起压着的重量→ v. 支撑,承受,承担= support
1. Since the transportation and communication were cut off by the earthquake, the stranded people had to sustain their lives by drinking rain water and eating anything they can find.
2. Many houses in rural areas in Sichuan province were not able to sustain the shock of the dreadful earthquake.
3. Some experts pointed out that the foundation of houses were not strong enough to sustain their weights.
sustainable = sustain(支持,忍耐)+ able (形容词词尾,表示能够…的) →原始词义:能够支持,忍耐的→派生词义:
[词义] 能保持得住的→ adj. 能维持的,可持续的,养得起的
We can not emphasize the importance of sustainable development too much.
retain = re (back, 后面) + tain (hold, 持有,拿着)→原始词义:拿回来,拿到后面→派生词义:[词义1] 把东西拿到身后,使其不受破坏→ v. 保持,保留= preserve
[词义2] 把物品拿到后面,使其不被带走→ v. 留下,拦住,记住= keep
[词义3] 把人员招揽到身后,为自己效力→vt. 雇用,聘请(只用在法律领域)= employ
1. How can we retain our traditional culture in the trend of globalization?This is a question worth careful consideration.
2. Concentrated study will help you to retain knowledge.
3. Chen Shui’bian is able to retain the best lawyer, but he cannot change the law.
retention = retain的名词形式= re (back) + ten (hold) + tion (名词词尾) →原始词义:拿到后面的东西→派生词义:
[词义] 把任何可能会失去的东西拿回来(例如:男人热情,女人面部的水份)→ n. 保留,保持
Before a wife retains his husband’s long-term passion for her, he must make sure the retention of her slim figure and that of her facial moisture.
对于女人来说,不仅要保持丈夫对自己的热情,就要先保持自己的身材和面部的水分。entertain = enter (进入) + tain (hold,拿着) →原始词义:拿进来,招呼进来→派生词义:[词义1] 把顾客招呼进来→ vt. 使娱乐,使欢乐= amuse
[词义2] 把朋友招呼进来→ vt. 招待,款待= accommodate
[词义3] 把想法招呼进来→ vt.考虑= consider
1.Nowadays, a lot of TV programs pay so much attention to entertaining their audience that they hardly have any educational meaning.
2. Chinese people like to entertain their friends with a feast while western people would prefer
a buffet.
3. I have never entertained any illusions about him.
entertainer = entertain(使…娱乐) + er(人) →原始词义:娱乐别人的人→派生词义:
[词义]使别人愉快的人→n.款待者, 表演娱乐节目的人, 演艺人员
Some students say New-oriental teachers are public entertainers; still some say they are spiritual mentors. The distinction of two is: the former entertains sense and the latter entertains mind.
contain = con (共同,一起) + tain (hold,拿住) →原始词义:拿在一起→派生词义:
[词义1] 把物质的东西(例如:液体,气体,固体,人)拿在一起→ vt. 包含,容纳,含有= hold; have c
apacity for
[词义2] 把非物质的东西(例如:情绪)拿在一起→ vt. 控制,遏制= control
container = contain (包含,容纳)+ er (表示东西或人) →原始词义:能容纳的容器→派生词义:[词义] 能容纳别的物品的东西→ n. 容器,集装箱= receptacle
detain = de (down) + tain (hold,拿着,持有)原始词义:加强控制派生词义:
[词义1] 把某人往下拉,不让→ vt.留住;使耽搁= delay
[词义2] 警察把嫌疑犯拿下→vt. 拘留,扣留= arrest
1. (略)
2. The court turned down the prosecutors' appeal to detain Chen as they failed to present enough evidence to show that Chen had disturbed witnesses, colluded with other suspects or attempted to escape abroad, according to the verdict.
法律方面的核心词汇,例如: turn down驳回,拒绝;appeal上诉,请求;evidence证据;collude with串通;suspect嫌疑犯;verdict判决书。
attain = at (可看作为ad, 表示to ) + tain (hold, 用手拿着) →原始词义:伸手去拿→派生词义:[词义1] 拿到某个物品→vt. 获得= acquire
[词义2] 拿到某个状态→v.达到(也可以和to搭配) = reach
1.Most Africa countries attained their independence after the World War II.
2.After years of arduous effort, Lee Myung-bak, at his 36, attained the position of President of the HYUNDAI Motors and later the President of Korea.
经过多年的艰苦努力,李明博在36岁时当上了现代汽车公司的总裁,之后成为韩国总统。attainment = attain (达到,获得) + ment (名词词尾) →原始词义:伸手去拿的东西→派生词
[词义1] 在目标或物质上拿到的东西→ n. 达到,收获,获得= achievement (attainment只用于正式的书面语中。)
[词义2] 在精神上拿到的东西→ n. 成就,学识,才能= skill, ability (attainments只用复数)
用Hillary Clinton 造出实用例句
1. Hillary Clinton’s loss in running for presidency indi cated that the attainment of her presidential ambition was still a dream.
2. Hillary Clinton is a woman of great attainments in domestic politics but a loser in domestic life.
abstain = abs (away 离去) + tain (hold,拿着)→原始词义:从…放手,让…离开→派生词义:[词义1] 对一些习惯放手→ v. 戒掉,戒绝
[词义2] 对一些权利放手→ v. 弃权,放弃
1. To my father, abstaining from smoking must be very easy because he did that for a hundred times last year. 对我爸爸来说,戒烟是件容易做的事,因为他去年一年里戒了上百次。(平均三天戒烟一次,真是有决心阿!!!)
2. We will never abstain from the determination of the reunification of our country. 我们决不放弃统一祖国的决心。
[辨析] attain和obtain
attain 多指经过不懈的努力后,获得某个结果,里面包含一个“努力获得”的意味,有主观上想要得到的意思。= acquire
obtain单纯指获得、得到,用于较为正式语体中,阐明“得到某样东西”这个事实,一般不带主观感情彩。= get
abstention = abstain的名词形式
= abs (leave from) + ten (hold) + tion (名词词尾)→原始词义:戒掉,放弃的东西→派生词义:[词义1] n. 节制,戒绝
[词义2] n. 弃权,弃权票
1.One important feature about Ramadan is the abstention from eating and drinking during the daylight. 穆斯林“斋月”的一个重要特征是在白天要戒饮食。
2.The promotion was approved 100 to 22 with 6 abstentions. 这项提议以100票对22票通过,6票弃权。
tenable= ten (hold,持有) + able (形容词词尾,表示能够…的) →原始词义:能持有的,能保持的→派生词义:
[词义1] 学说、主张等能保持的→ adj.站得住脚的
[词义2] 时间上能保持的→ adj.能保持一段时间的,能继续的
1.The view that the earth is the center of the universe is no longer tenable.
2.How long is this post tenable for?
tenacious = ten (hold 抓住,掌握) + aci (由ace转换来,表示抽象的) + ous (形容词词尾,表示‘充满了’) →原始词义:充满掌握的,加强掌握的→派生词义:
[词义1] 对一样东西加强掌握的→ adj. 紧握的,紧粘不放的
[词义2] 对一种信念加强掌握的→ adj. 固执的,不屈不挠的
1.He held on to his girlfriend’ hand with a tenacious grip.
2.Girls usually have a tenacious memory of their first lover; boys usually have a tenacious belief that they will hunt more beautiful girls.
tenet = ten (hold,抓住) + et (名词词尾, 小东西) →原始词义:紧紧抓住的东西→派生词义:[词义] 能让一个人紧紧抓住,不可放弃的东西→ n. 教义, 信条; 原则, 宗旨
The tenet of Beijing Olympics is ‘the green Olympics, the humanistic Olympics and the scientific and technology Olympics’.
tenure = ten (hold) + ure (名词词尾) →原始词义:拥有的东西→派生词义:
[词义] 拥有财产、职位等→ n. 占有. 保有,任期
The tenure of US presidency is four years.
