我唱歌给他们听 的英语单词
"I sing a song for them to listen."
1. Sing - 唱歌
- Example: She sings beautifully. (她唱歌非常好听。)
2. Song - 歌曲
- Example: Their favorite song played on the radio. (他们最喜欢的歌曲在广播中播放。)
3. Listen - 听
好听的英语歌 - Example: We listened to the teacher's explanation carefully. (我们仔细听老师的解释。)
4. Voice - 声音
- Example: Her voice was soft and soothing. (她的声音柔和且抚慰人心。)
5. Audience - 观众
- Example: The audience applauded after the performance. (表演结束后,观众鼓掌。)