5、Pasca l语言
6、Visu al Ba sic
Thi s isa que stion that belo ngs i n eve ry ga me pr ogram mingFAQ.It se ems t o beasked in a game deve lopme nt fo rum s evera l tim es aweek. It's a go od qu estio n, th ough, andnot o ne wi th an easy answ er. T hereare c omput er la nguag es th at wo rk be tter
for s ome a pplic ation s tha n oth ers.Hereis alistof th e maj or pr ogram minglangu agesusedto wr ite g amesalong with desc ripti ons,advan tages, and disa dvant ages. Hope fully this list will help youmakea dec ision.
如果说FORTR AN和CO BOL是第一代高级编译语言,那么C语言就是它们
的孙子辈。C语言是Den nis R itchi e在七十年代创建的,它功能更强大且与AL GOL 保持更连续的继承性,而A LGOL则是COBO L和FOR TRAN的结构化继承者。C
IfFORTR AN an d COB OL we re th e fir st co mpile d hig h-lev el la nguag es, t hen C
is t heirgrand child. Itwas c reate d inthe 70's b y Den nis R itchi e asa tig hter
and m ore c ohere nt su ccess or to ALGO L, wh ich w as astruc tured succ essor to C OBOLand F ORTRA N. It wasdesig ned t o bea sma llerand s imple r ver sionof it s pre deces sors, suit ablefor w ritin g sys tem-l evelprogr ams,likeopera tingsyste ms. B efore then, ope ratin g sys temswerehand-coded in a ssemb ly an d wer e not port able. C wa s the firs t
pro gramm ing l angua ge th at ma de po rtabi litya rea lityfor s ystem-leve l cod e.
GO TO语句控制流程。因此,C程序比起集成性的FORT RAN及C OBOL的“空心粉
C is a lang uagethatsuppo rts s truct uredprogr ammin g. Th at is to s ay th at C
progr ams a re wr itten as c ollec tions of d iscon necte d fun ction call s tha t run top-down
rathe r tha n a s ingle mono lithi c blo ck of code with prog ram c ontro l-flo w hap penin g via GOTO stat ement s. He nce,C pro grams aregener allyeasie r tofollo w tha n mon olith ic
FO RTRAN andCOBOL spag hetti-code. Act ually, C s tillhas a GOTO stat ement, but itsfunct ional ity i s lim itedand i t isonlyrecom mende d asa las t res ort i f str uctur ed so lutio ns ar e muc h mor e com plica ted.
Trueto it s sys tem-p rogra mming root s, it is f airly easy to i nterf ace C with asse mblylangu ages. Thefunct ion-c allin g int erfac e isverysimpl e, an d ass embly lang uage
instr uctio ns ca n beembed ded w ithin C co de, s o lin kingin se parat e ass embly-lang uagemodul es is notneces sary.
Adv antag es: G ood f or wr iting smal l fas t pro grams. Eas y tointer facewith
assem bly l angua ge. V ery s tanda rdize d, so vers ionson ot her p latfo rms a re si milar.
Disad vanta ges:Doesnot e asily supp ort o bject-orie ntedtechn iques. Syn tax c an be
diff icult andlends itse lf to abus e.
移植性:C语言的核心以及ANS I函数调用都具有移植性,但仅限于流程控制、内存管理和简单的文件处理。其他的东西都跟平台有关。比如说,为
Wind ows和M ac开发可移植的程序,用户界面部分就需要用到与系统相关的函数
Port abili ty: W hilethe c ore o f the lang uageand t he AN SI fu nctio n cal ls ar e ver y
por table, the y are limi ted t o con trol-flow, memo ry ma nagem ent,and s imple file-hand ling. Ever ythin g els e isplatf orm-s pecif ic. M aking a pr ogram that's po rtabl e bet weenWindo ws an d the Mac, forinsta nce,requi res t hat t he us er-in terfa ce po rtion s beusing syst em-
sp ecifi c fun ction call s. Th is ge neral ly me ans t hat y ou ne ed to writ e the user-inte rface
code twic e. Th ere a re li brari es, t hough, tha t mak e the proc ess a biteasie r.
G amesWritt en in C: L ots a nd lo ts.
资料:C语言的经典著作是《T he CProgr ammin g Lan guage》,它经过多次修改,已经扩展到最初的三倍大,但它仍然是介绍C的优秀书本。一本极好的教程是《The W aiteGroup's CPrime r Plu s》。
Reso urces: The clas sic b ook a boutC is[TheC
Pro gramm ing L angua ge].I t's g one t hroug h sev eralitera tions andhas e xpand ed to abou t thr ee ti mes i ts or igina l siz e, bu t it's sti ll agoodintro ducti on to thelangu age.An ex celle nt tu toria l is[TheWaite Grou p's C Prim er Pl us].
C++语言是具有面向对象特性的C语言的继承者。面向对象编程,或称OOP 是结构化编程的下一步。OO程序由对象组成,其中的对象是数据和函数离散集合。有许多可用的对象库存在,这使得编程简单得只需要将一些程序“建筑材料”堆在一起(至少理论上是这样)。比如说,有很多的G UI和数据库的库实现为对象的集合。
C++ i s the obje ct-or iente d suc cesso r toC. Ob ject-orien ted,or OO, pro grams are
the n ext s tep b eyond stru cture d pro gramm ing.OO pr ogram s are buil t out of o bject s,
wh ich a re pa ckage s ofdataand f uncti ons c ollec ted i nto d iscre te un its.There aremanylibra riesof ob jects avai lable that make writ ing p rogra ms as simp le as pull ing t ogeth er acolle ction of p rogra m "bu ildin g blo cks"(at l eastin th eory). For exam ple,there aremanyGUI a nd da tabas e lib rarie s tha t are impl ement ed as coll ectio ns of obje cts.C++总是辩论的主题,尤其是在游戏开发论坛里。有几项C++的功能,比如虚拟函数,为函数呼叫的决策制定增加了一个额外层次,批评家很快指出C++程序将变得比相同功能的C程序来得大和慢。C++的拥护者则认为,用C写出与虚拟函数等价的代码同样会增加开支。这将是一个还在进行,而且不可能很快得出结论的争论。
C++ isthe s ubjec t ofcontr overs y, es pecia lly i n the game deve lopme nt
co mmuni ty. T hereare f eatur es of C++, like virt ual f uncti ons,thatadd a n ext ra la yer o f dec ision-maki ng to func tioncalls, and crit ics a re qu ick t o poi nt ou t tha t C++ prog ramscan b e lar ger a nd sl owerthanC cou nterp arts. C++
advoc atespoint out, howe ver,thatcodin g the equi valen t ofa vir tualfunct ion i n C r equir es th e sam e ove rhead. It's anon-
go ing d ebate that's no t lik ely t o bedecid ed so on.
我认为,C++的额外开支只是使用更好的语言的小付出。同样的争论发生在六十年代高级程序语言如COBO L和FOR TRAN开始取代汇编成为语言所选的时候。批评家正确的指出使用高级语言编写的程序天生就比手写的汇编语言来得慢,而且必然如此。而高级语言支持者认为这么点小小的性能损失是值得的,因为CO BOL 和F ORTRA N程序更容易编写和维护。
In my opin ion,the o verhe ad of C++is si mplythe p riceyou p ay fo r a b etter lang uage. This same deba te we nt on in t he 60's wh en hi gh-le vel p rogra mming lang uages like
COBO L and FORT RAN s tarte d todispl ace h and-c odedassem bly a s the lang uageof
ch oice. Crit ics c orrec tly p ointe d out that prog ramswritt en in high-leve l lan guage s wer e inh erent ly sl owerthanhand-tuned asse mblyand a lways woul d be. High-leve l lan guage advo cates poin ted o ut, h oweve r, th at th e sli ght p erfor mance hitwas w orthit be cause COBO L and FORT RAN p rogra ms we re mu ch ea sierto wr ite a nd ma intai n.
A dvant ages: Much bett er th an Cfor o rgani zinglarge prog rams. Supp ortsthe o bject-orie ntedparad igm n icely. Lib rarie s ofcommo n dat a str uctur es, l ike l inked list s and grow-able arra ys, c an re movemuchof th e bur den o f hav ing t o dea l wit h low-leve l det ails.
Disad vanta ges:Extre melylarge andcompl icate d. Li ke C, thesynta x len ds it selfto ab use.Can b e slo wer t han C. Not many comp ilers impl ement theentir e lan guage
corr ectly.
Port abili ty: B etter than C, b ut st ill n ot gr eat.While it s hares thesamedisad vanta ge as C, m ost o f the port ableuser-inter facelibra riesare i mplem ented as c ollec tions of C++ ob jects.
G amesWritt en in C++: Lots andlots. Almo st al l com merci al ga mes a re wr itten in C or C++.
资料:最新版的《T he C++ Pro gramm ing L angua ge》非常好。作为教程,有两个阵营,一个假定你知道C,另外一个假定你不知道。到目前为止,最好的C++教程是《W ho'sAfrai d ofC++》,如果你已经熟知C,那么试一下《Teach Your self
Re sourc es: T he la testediti on of TheC++ P rogra mming Lang uageis ex celle nt. A s for tuto rials, the re ar e two camp s, on es th at as sumeyou k now C, and ones youdon't. Byfar t he be st gr ound-up C++ tut orial s are Who's Afr aid o f C++ andWho's Afra id of More C++. If y ou al ready know C, t ry Te ach Y ourse lf C++.
3、我该学习C++或是该从C开始(Sho uld I lear n C++, orshoul d I s tartwithC )
I th ought this bore ment ionin g, as it's thesecon d mos t com monly aske d que stion next to "which prog rammi ng la nguag e sho uld I use?"Unfo rtuna tely, theanswe r isn't
bl ack a nd wh ite.You c ouldsavea lot of t ime b y jus t tea ching your selfC and
writ ing a pps,but t hereare t wo di sadva ntage s tothisappro ach.
You're mi ssing outon wh at wi ll li kelybe amuchmoreeffec tiveway o f mod eling thedatain yo ur ga me. B y not lear ningOO pr ogram mingoff t he ba t, yo u cou ld be enfo rcing badprogr ammin g hab its t hat y ou'll have to u n-lea rn la ter.Trust me o n thi s one.
Ma ny of thebigge st co mmerc ial g ames, incl uding most firs t-per son s hoote rs, g et by
with out C++. T he au thors of t heseprogr ams,howev er, a lways insi st th at th ey're usin g obj ect-o rient ed pr ogram mingtechn iques even thou gh th ey're usin g pla in ol d C.If yo u wan t tojustlearn C, a t lea st te ach y ourse lf OO prog rammi ng te chniq ues.OO is the
perfe ct me thodo logyfor s imula tions (rea d: ga mes), andyou'l l rea lly b e doi ng it "the hard way" if y ou pu sh of f lea rning OO.
4、汇编语言(Assem bly)
By defa ult,assem bly w as th e fir st co mpute r lan guage. Ass embly lang uageis
ac tuall y a c omman d-bas ed re prese ntati on of theactua l ins truct ionsthatyourcompu ter's proc essor runs. Tha t mea ns yo u wil l bedeali ng wi th th e low-leve l det ailsof yo ur
pr ocess or, l ike r egist ers a nd st acks. If y ou're look ing f or alangu age t hat's Engl ish-
l ike a nd is rela tivel y sel f-doc ument ing,thisisn't it!
计算机编程语言Bydefin ition, any thing youcan d o inany o therlangu age,you c an do
in a ssemb ly, o nly n ot as easi ly --of co urse, that's li ke sa yingthatanywh ere y ou ca n goin acar,you c an go on f oot,onlynot a s eas ily.While thestate mentmight be t rue,the l atertechn ologi es ma de th ingsmucheasie r touse.
In g enera l, as sembl y lan guage is n ot us ed on itsown f or ga mes.Games that useassem bly l angua ge us e itin bi ts an d pie ces w hereit ca n imp roveperfo rmanc e. Fo r
exa mple, DOOM is w ritte n ent irely in C with a co upleof dr awing rout ineshand-coded
in a ssemb ly. T hey a re th e rou tines that arecalle d a f ew th ousan d tim es asecon d, so
maki ng th e rou tineas ti ght a s pos sible real ly he lpedthe p erfor mance of t he
ga me. I t's f airly easy to w ritea fun ction in a ssemb ly th at is call-able from C, s o usi ng
bo th la nguag es wa sn'ta pro blem.
Spe cialNote: Thenameof th e lan guage is "assem bly". Thenameof th e too l tha t
con verts asse mblylangu age i nto t rue m achin e cod e iscalle d an"asse mbler". It's acommo n mis nomer to c all t he la nguag e "as sembl er",so st art o ut on theright foot
by c allin g the lang uageby it s pro per n ame.
Adva ntage s: Is, bydefin ition, the smal lestand f astes t lan guage. A t alent ed as sembl y pro gramm er ca n wri te pr ogram s tha t are fast er th an an ythin g tha t can be d one i n oth er