6石油沥青2021年第35卷Experimental Research on Gi^sasphalt Mixture by Lake Asphalt
LIU Ke1,WU Jianliang2
(1.Chongqing Zhixiang Paving Technology Engir^ering Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing400067;
2.College g CM Engine C ng And Architectures,Hunan Institute g Schnee and Technology,
高速公路免费几天AbstracC:The pavement performance of Gussasphalt by Lake Asphalt(GA using Type III asphalt binder)is studied through laboratory test,which provides reference for engineering applicctior.70#peroleum asphalt and TLA Lake asphalt are mixed in three poopoaions.The pavement perfoanance is eveluated by Lueea fuidity,peneration,hardnes,MarshU Stability,rut t ing and bending tests.The asults showed that,compare with Type I asphalt GA,the optimat asphalt aagreeate ratio of Type III asphalt GA is highee,density is relatively smalt,modulus at room temperature is hiyher,and comprehensive pavement perfomiance is pooe Pavement peabanano of Type HI asphtt GA is sensitive to the change of mixing proportion of fake asphtt,is relatively weker Oo asphdlt dagmfdte edtio,and is she weakess to gradtion change.The mixing process shoutd be optimized to make it close to construction shoe-teem aging condition.Through optimizing composition design,GA of Type HI dsphdlt coutd adapt to spaimc samice conditions.
Keywords:road engineeyng;gussasphalt;lake asphalt;pavement perfoananco
2021年9月6日,渝黔高速公路扩能项目(万盛段)温塘村特大桥施工现场,架桥机将最后一片预制T 梁架设完毕,标志着整个特大桥实现全幅贯通,也标志着渝黔高速公路扩能项目(万盛段)实现全线贯通。该桥全长1415m,最高墩高达78m,共32跨,位于万盛经开区南桐镇温塘村,是渝黔高速公路扩能项目重难点控制性工程,也是万盛境内唯一采用“T梁+连续梁+钢箱梁”的特大桥。