杭州吃English: West Lake cured fish is a popular characteristic snack in Hangzhou, known for its unique flavor and long history. Made from grass carp, the fish is marinated with a variety of spices and ingredients such as soy sauce, sugar, salt, and ginger before being dried and cured. The curing process usually takes about a month, allowing the flavors to fully penetrate the fish, resulting in a distinctive taste that is savory, sweet, and rich. The finished product is typically served thinly sliced and can be enjoyed on its own or as a topping for noodles or rice dishes. With its tender texture and flavorful taste, West Lake cured fish has become a must-try delicacy for visitors to Hangzhou, offering a glimpse into the culinary traditions of this historic city.
中文翻译: 西湖腊鱼是杭州一种受欢迎的特小吃,以其独特的味道和悠久的历史而闻名。这种小吃由鲤鱼制成,鱼肉在腌制之前会用各种香料和配料如酱油、糖、盐和姜腌制后再晒干和腌制。腌制过程通常需要一个月的时间,使得各种味道充分渗透到鱼肉中,结果是产生了一种独特的口味,鲜美、甜美且浓郁。成品通常切成薄片,可以单独食用,也可作为面条或米饭菜肴的配料。西湖腊鱼以其鲜嫩的口感和美味的味道已成为到杭州游客必尝的美食,为游客提供了一睹这座历史悠久城市烹饪传统的机会。
