    What Today's Young Generation is Like
    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 10-year-old kid. My teacher asked us to write about what we think the young generation today is like. I have some thoughts I want to share!
    I think a big thing about kids my age these days is that we're always on our phones, tablets, or other devices. Everywhere I go, I see young people staring at their screens. At the mall, at restaurants, even just walking down the street, we've got our eyes glued to those little screens. I have to admit, I'm totally guilty of this too! I'm obsessed with games, YouTube, TikTok, you name it. If I'm not careful, I can spend way too many hours every day just zoning out on my iPad.
    Another thing I notice is that a lot of my friends and kids at school care a ton about what videos, memes, o
r trends are popular online. Like, people will come to school talking about the latest video that's going viral or doing some wacky dance move they learned on TikTok. If you're not up on the newest trends, you can feel kind of left out sometimes. It's like there's this constant race to see who can be the most aware of what's hot and what's not in pop culture and on social media.
    Speaking of social media, most of the kids I know have accounts on all the major apps and platforms at crazy young ages now. I got my first Instagram account when I was 8, which my parents helped me set up (don't tell anyone!). A bunch of my friends were already on there, posting selfies and following influencers and celebrities. Sometimes I worry about how much personal stuff gets shared online and how that might affect us when we're older.
    Despite being glued to our phones, I actually think my generation is more aware of important issues than adults give us credit for. Like, I see so many young people speaking up about things like climate change, racial injustice, LGBTQ+ rights, and other causes they care about. We have protests and rallies and spread awareness on social media. Even at my school, the students organized a walk-out last year to protest gun violence. I feel like we're super engaged with social issues in a way previous generations maybe weren't at our age.
    That said, I also notice a lot of kids my age struggle with things like anxiety, depression, bullying, and other mental health challenges. The pressures of social media, dealing with cruelty from others online, and just the general stress of growing up in today's world seems to really weigh on many of us. Counselors at my school are constantly talking about managing our emotions, being kind online, and taking breaks from technology when we need it. Those kinds of discussions were never really happening when my parents were kids.
    Something else I find interesting is how entrepreneurial and creative today's young people can be. There are all these kids starting YouTube channels, Instagram pages, Etsy stores, or other little businesses and side-hustles. A few of my friends have actually made decent money from their online ventures. It's pretty cool because you can turn your hobbies and passions into ways to make money doing what you love. When I was younger, I feel like "entrepreneur" was more of an adult word, but now even elementary schoolers are tiny moguls!
    I also think we're a generation that's super fascinated by technology and the new frontiers of science, space travel, AI, you name it. Like, I'm low-key obsessed with rovers exploring Mars, companies like Spac
eX going to the moon and beyond, or the latest advancements in robots and computer intelligence. A lot of my friends want to be engineers, coders, scientists, or do something involving cutting-edge tech when they grow up. I'm not sure previous generations were quite as immersed in those kinds of futuristic interests from such a young age.
    One last thing – my generation seems to be incredibly open-minded, accepting, and eager to learn about different cultures, identities, and perspectives. Maybe it's because we're exposed to so much through the internet and social media from a young age. But issues around gender, sexuality, race, religion, etc. that may have been more taboo or swept under the rug in the past are things my peers are really conscious of and curious to understand. I have so many friends from diverse backgrounds and who express themselves in diverse ways. We really try not to judge and to have empathy for one another, which is cool.
    Overall, I'd say kids these very online and technology-obsessed for sure. We've got endless streams of information, entertainment, and connectivity at our fingertips 24/7. Sometimes that's awesome, but sometimes it's also overwhelming and
    What The Younger Generation is Like Today
    My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I've been asked to write about what kids my age and younger are like these days. I'll do my best to describe it, but it's kind of hard because every kid is different!
    I guess one of the biggest things is how much technology we use compared to older generations when they were kids. Pretty much every kid I know has a tablet, smartphone, gaming system, or some kind of device like that. We use them a lot to play games, watch videos, do homework, and communicate with our friends and family.
