信息来源:北京环球时代学校 www.globaltimesschool
1. The heavily laden infantry, though enjoying a superiority of six-to-one, simply could not keep to schedule and lost 60000 men in one day.
2. Primarily the Allied task was to utilize the resources of two great nations with the decisiveness of single authority.
1. 透彻理解原文,首先是准确掌握词义。必须注意研究如何辨析词义,正确判断词在具体的上下文中的涵义,必须比较熟练地掌握各种译词的手段。
2. 论述文重视逻辑论证,翻译前必须仔细阅读原文,抓住中心,分析作者的论点和论证环节。
3. 注意汉语论述文的用词倾向和风格。行文不宜过于通俗,即用俚语、俗语或方言,但也同时避免文白夹杂、不伦不类。
1. 紧缩主干:识别谓语形态。
2. 辨析词义:判断确定词义。
3. 区分主从:判断各成分之间的内在联系。
4. 捋清层次:推断句子思维逻辑发展形式
5. 调整搭配:调整各层次语序。
6. 润饰词语:炼词炼句。
1. This war is becoming the most important story of this generation.
2. It’s quite another story now.
3. Last December, the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those cities, but officials refused to confirm the story
4. Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.
5. He will be very happy if that story holds up.
6. The story of that actress is one of the saddest.
Light music; light loss; light heart; light step; light outfit; light voice; light work; light metal
This light is too poor to read by.
Will you light the fire for me?
1. Although the recession has reached every corner of the planet, the impact is uneven.
2. The world is scraping bottom in the deepest economic slump in a half-century.
3. The functions of the federal government have expanded so much that there are few aspects of national life outside the area of its interests, if not its regulation.
1. 从具体引向抽象,特殊引向一般。
(1) We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.
(2) He has not head for physics.
(3) Brain drain has been Egypt’s Number One concern—as a matter of fact it has become an epidemic in that area of the world.
(4) Now you can meet good Samaritans again, here, there and everywhere.
2. 从抽象引向具体,一般引向特殊。
(1) He is a valuable acquisition to the team.
(2) Perhaps the only trouble with copper is that it is not hard enough for some uses.
(3) There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems; more than transient everydayness.
(4) To be sure, there always were and still are French admirers of German culture, virtues, philosophy, thoroughness, strategy, and music.
1. By birth he was an Englishman; by profession, a sailor; by instinct and training, a rebel.
2. Several million of people have lived near or below the breadline for almost two decades.
3. For never was a story of more woe, that this of Juliet and her Romeo.
4. That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!
5. He narrowly escaped assassination
6. A fool and his words are soon parted; a man of genius and his money.
7. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.
8. A new kind of aircraft—small, cheap, pilotless—is attracting increasing attention.
9. University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.
1. The English language is in very good shape. It is changing in its own undiscoverable way, but it is not going rotten like a plum dropping off a tree.
2. There has always been a close cultural link, or tie between Britain and English-speaking America, not only in literature but also in the popular arts, especially music.
3. And all the books I have read and forgotten—the thought that my mind is really nothing but a sieve—this, too, at times disheartens me.
4. We see folks who have hit bottom. They are losing everything, jobs, families, homes. In therapy they experience mood swings, nausea, muscular aches.
1. It must be dealt with at the appropriate time with appropriate means.
2. When rust is formed, a chemical change has taken place.
3. Yet, what we say here will not be long remembered. What we do here can change the world.
4. Communication satellites have already been used for living transmission in our country.
5. Well, are you tempted after reading this advertisement?