1. other as a determiner(限定词)
Some music is good for people; other music is not. 一些音乐对人有好处,另一些没有(这里other指different types of music)
What other books by Charles have you read, apart from “Oliver Twist”? 除了《雾都孤儿》, 你还读过查尔斯别的什么书吗?
This one is too big. Do you have it in other sizes? 这一款太大了,你这还有别的尺寸吗?(additional or extra books)
I don’t like the red one. I prefer the other color. 我不喜欢红,我更喜欢别的颜。(alternative sizes, 可供选择的其他尺寸)
❌: I prefer other color.
Mike is at university; our other son is still at school. 迈克上大学了,我们另一个儿子还在中小学。
He got 100% in the final examination. No other student has ever achieved that. 他在这次期末考试中考了满分,其他学生还没有人做到过。
There’s one other thing we need to discuss before we finish. 我们还有一件事要讨论才能结束
2. other as a pronoun(代词)
other作代词时,有复数形式: others(所以others是other作为代词时的复数形式,代词一般作主语或者宾语)
We have to solve this problem, more than any other, today. 我们今天必须解决这个问题
I will send two emails to him and I will send others tomorrow. 我今天发两封邮件给他,其他的我明天发过去。
the other
1. the other as a determiner
the other用于单数名词时,表示两个事物或人中的另一个
This computer here is new. The other computer is about five years old. 这台电脑是新的,另一台有五年时间了。
others是什么 Well, the gift shop is on the other side of the street. 礼品店在这条街的另一边。
the other用于复数名词时,表示一组或一套中剩下的部分
John and Mike are here, but where are the other kids? (一学生中剩下的人)
Where are the other two dinner plates? I can only find four. (一套餐盘中剩下的部分)
2. the other as a pronoun
He had a book in one hand and a pen in the other.
She has two jackets; one is black and the other is white.
1. another as a determiner
Would you like another cup of coffee? (one more; 你想再来一杯咖啡吗?)
You’ve met Linda, but I have another sister who you haven’t met, call Jane. 你已经见过Linda了,但我还有一个妹妹你没见过,叫Jane. (另外一个)
I don’t like this place. Is there another café around here? (不同的,另一个; 我不喜欢这个地方,这附近还有别的咖啡馆吗?)
2. another as a pronoun
The papers are examined by one teacher, then passed on to another. 这些试卷会先由一位老师审阅, 然后由另一位老师审阅。