给母亲的祝福语    The Nature of the Firm (1937)
Economic theory has suffered in the past from a failure to state clearly its assumption.
Economists in building up a theory have often omitted to examine the foundations on
which it was erected. This examination is, however, essential not only to prevent the
misunderstanding and needles controversy which arise from a lack of knowledge of the
assumptions on which a theory is based, but also because of the extreme importance for
economics of good judgment in choosing between rival sets of assumptions. For instance, it
is suggested that the use of the word “firm” in economics may be different from the use of
the term by the “plain man.”' Since there is apparently a trend in economic theory towards
starting analysis with the individual firm and not with the industry,2 it is ail the more
企业精神口号necessary not only that a clear definition of the word "firm" should be given but that its
difference from a firm in the "real world," if it aists, should be made clear. Mrs. Robinson
has said that "the two questions to be asked of a set of assumptions in economics are: Are
they tractable? and: Do they correspond with the real world?"3 Though, as Mrs. Robinson
points out, "More often one set will be manageable and the other realistic," yet there may
well be branches of theory where assumptions may be both manageable and realistic. It is
hoped to show in the following paper that a definition of a firm may be obtained which is
not only realistic in that it corresponds to what is meant by a firm in the real world, but is
tractable by two of the most powerful instruments of economic analysis developed by
Marshall, the idea of the margin and that of substitution, together giving the idea of
substitution at the margin.4 Our definition must, of course, "relate to formal relations which
are capable of being conceived exactly."5
It is convenient if, in searching for a definition of a firm, we first consider the economic
system as it is normally treated by the economist. Let us consider the des cription of the
economic system given by Sir Arthur Salter6. “The normal economic system works itself.
For its current operation it is under no central control, it needs no central survey. Over the
whole range of human activity and human need, supply is adjusted to demand, and
万圣节说说production to consumption, by a process that is automatic, elastic and responsive.” An
economist thinks of the economic system as being co-ordinated by the price mechanism
and society becomes not an organization but an organism.7 The economic system “works
itself. This does not mean that there is no planning by individuals. These exercise foresight
and choose between alternatives. This is necessarily so if there is to be order in the system
But this theory assumes that the direction of resources is dependent directly on the price
The Nature of the Firm (1937) R. H. COASE
mechanism. Indeed, it is often considered to be an objection to economic planning that it
周公解梦 地震merely tries to do what is already done by the price mechanism.8 Sir Arthur Salter's
des cription, however, gives a very incomplete picture of our economic system. Within a
firm, the des cription does not fit at all. For instance, in economic theory we find that the
allocation of factors of production between different uses is determined by the price
mechanism. The price of factor A becomes higher in X than in Y. As a result, A moves from
Y to X until the difference between the prices in X and Y, except if 50 far as it compensates
for other differential advantages, disappears. Yet in the real world, we find that there are
many areas where this does not apply. If a workman moves from department Y to
肯德基蛋挞配方department X, he does not go because of a change in relative prices, but because he is
旧房子ordered to do 50. Those who object to economic planning on the grounds that the problem
is solved by price movements can be answered by pointing out that there is planning within
our economic system which is quite different from the individual planning mentioned above
and which is akin to what is normally called economic planning. The example given above
is typical of a large sphere in our modem economic system. 0f course, this fact has not been
