Unit8 SectionA(2a-2d)优质课教案(广东省)
活动1【导入】Step1:Warming-up and revision.
1、Listen and watch the MV “months of the year” and sing along with it.
2、Look at the calendar on the PPT, the whole class revise the words of the month, first repeat after the teacher and then the students read all the words together.
3、Using following sentence to practice dialogues with students:
T:My birthday is in June. When is your birthday ? In January ? February ? ...
( Make the students pay attention to the preposition.)
S1: My birthday is in ....
S2:My birthday
S3: ......活动2【导入】Step2:Lead in.
T: A few lessons ago, we’ve learned cardinal numbers. Today we are going to learn ordinal numbers. Look at the PPT, numbers include cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. Cardinal numbers show “how many”, and ordinal numbers show “order”.
活动3【讲授】Step3:Let’s learn.
1、First,listen to the tape from 1st to 31st .
2、Then the students repeat after the teacher from 1st to 10th.
3、The whole class read from 1st to10th.
他大舅他二舅4、Ask single student to read one by one from 1st to 10th.
5、Teach words from 11th to 20th, from 21st to 31st using the same methods as above.
有关长城的资料6、listen to the tape and repeat after the tape from 1st to 31st again.
活动4【讲授】Step4:Summarize the rules.
1、T: How to change cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers?There are some rules about it. Let’s find them out! Look!
2、Lead the students to observe the words on the PPT above ,and help them find out the rules as following:
3、Write the following examples on the blackboard while explain the rules to the students:
板书: th「θ」
first second third
eight-eighth nine-ninth
five-fifth twelve-twelfth
twenty-twentieth thirty-thirtieth
懵懂爱情Twenty-one--twenty-first thirty-two--thirty-second
Practice the ordinal numbers through a competition game Who Responses Quickly.
活动6【讲授】Step6:Please say it in English!
Lead the students to use the ordinal numbers to express dates.
1、T: Boys and girls ,do you know when my birthday is ? My birthday is on June 15th. When is your birthday?
(Ask students one by one.)
S1: My birthday is on ... .
T: How old are you ?
S1: I’m 14.
T: When is your birthday?
S2: My birthday is on ... .
( Make the students pay attention to the preposition “on”.)
T: ... ... .
S2: ... ... .
2、T: Boys and girls , just now you all did a good job. Now , I’d like you to practice with your partners .
Student A: How old are you ? B:I’m ...
Student B: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is on ... .
(While the students are practicing with their partners , the teacher walks around the classroom to find out if there are some problems.)
3、Ask some pairs to show their dialogues in front of the class.
活动8【活动】Step8:Make a survey and do a report.
1、T: Boys and girls,now, we have a task. I’d like you to make a survey.Please take out a piece of paper. Write down your friens’ names. And then ask your friends about their ages and birthdays. Write them down on your paper. After you finish filling the form, please do a report like this.
2、Invite some students to do a report before the class.
活动9【练习】Step9:listening exercise.
1、T: boys and girls, please take out your text book, and turn to Unit 8 Section A ,look at 2b.Let’s listen to the tape and circle the numbers you hear. We will listen for twice. The second time ,you check your answers.
2、Play the tape for twice.
3、Ask a students to show her/his numbers circled.
4、Do Exercise 2c: listen to the tape and match the names、months and dates.
5、Check the answers by asking some students.
活动10【作业】Step10:Homework for today.
T:Today’s homework is to make a survey about your family’s ages and birthdays .Then do a report and write it down on your exercise book.
