I  选择题(80)
第一部分  听力(共两节,满分20)
第一节  (5小题;每小题1,满分5)
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5._____
第二节 (15小题;每小题1,满分15)
6. What did the boy want the girl to have a look at?
A. A computer.
B. A mobile phone.
C. A piano.
7. How did the boy get the present?
A. He won it in a competition.
B. His father bought it for him.
C. It was sent to him from the US.
8. When did the boy get the present?
A. Two weeks ago.
B. The day before.
C. The day before yesterday.
9. Which library will the speakers go to?
A. The one opposite the park.
B. The one near the shopping center.
C. The one by the hospital.
10. How will they go to the library?
网上购物分期付款A. By car.
B. On foot.
C. By bus.
11. What time will they meet?
A. At 10:00.
B. At 10:20.
C. At 10:30.
12. What did Fred do last night?
A. He went to the police station.
B. He drove into a shop and broke it up.
C. He went shopping with his girlfriend.
13. Whom did Fred have a fight with?
A. The shop-keeper.
B. A policeman.
C. His girlfriend.
14. Where is Fred's car now?
A. In the shop.
B In the street.
C. In the police station.
15. What do you think Mary is?
A. An artist.
B. A singer.
C. A student.
16. Where will they perform?
A. At concert halls.
B. At restaurants.
C. At some parties.
17. Why is Mary not sure of joining the group at first?
A. She is afraid she has forgotten all the songs.
B. She is very busy with her studies at weekends.
C. She isn't interested in performing with others.
18. Why does the speaker give the talk?
A. To tell what to take for bicycle tours.
B. To give some advice on bicycle tours.
C. To explain the advantages of bicycle tours.
19. What is the most important thing for bicycle tours?
A. Water.
B. Clothes.
C. Safety.
20. What must a person do if he is going to travel by bike in winter?
A. Take plenty of water.
B. Take some warm clothes.
C. Take some medicine.
第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分30)
第一节 (15小题;每小题1,IPHONE13或交货中断满分15)
21. -- I usually go swimming for exercise, but I want to try something new.
-- ________
A. So what?
B. Cheer up.
C. Like what?
D. Take care.
22. -- Are you watching the football matches of the World Cup these days?
-- Sometimes, and I'll watch the match ______ Japan and Poland tonight.
A. against
B. about
C. through
D. between
23. My teacher has given me useful suggestions and I want to thank him from the _______ of my heart.
A. bottom
B. condition
C. way
D. surface
24. -- Do you understand what he said just now?
-- ________.
A. One by one
B. More or less
C. From time to time
D. Here and there
25. He is a ______ person, but he is good at telling funny stories
A. serious
B. patient
C kind
D, humorous
26. -- Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?
-- Go straight ahead; you ______ miss it.
A. mustn't
B. can't
C. needn't
D. shouldn't
27. As we all know, a person learns many things by making mistakes and ________ them.
A. corrects
B. correct
C. to correct
D. correcting
28. He was once ______ killed in a car accident several years ago.
A. completely
B. sadly
C. exactly
D. nearly
29. Air pollution will remain a problem for a long time, ______ we have done a lot to solve it.
A. though
B. since
C. unless
D. if
30. I know what you are thinking about. I can ______ your mind from the look on your face.
A. stay
B. spare
C. read
D. attend
31. -- Has your daughter come back from Australia?
-- Yes. She ______ there for three years
A. has stayed
B. stays
C. stayed
D. had stayed
32. Everyone can help in ______ way or another to make our city more beautiful.
A. any
B. one
C. every
D. either
33. Terry, _______ from your cell phone when your father is talking to you.
A. look up
B. look around
C. look down
D. look out
34. I'm afraid I didn't ______ you. Could you repeat your words?
A. believe
B. follow
C. please
D. satisfy
35. -- Do remember to watch out for cars while crossing the street.
-- ________.
A. Heard it
B. Made it
C. Forgot it
D. Got it
第二节 (15小题;每小题1,满分15)
