题型五 阅读理解
Children's Games in Ancient China
    During ancient times, children didn't have much to enjoy themselves. However, they came up with interesting games to play in their childhood.
Kicking stone balls
    During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular game in the northern part of China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm.
Playing hide­and­seek
    Hide­and­seek is a traditional game for children, popular around the nation. There are two ways to play: covering a child's eyes while other kids run around to tease(戏弄) him or, more commonly, others hide and one child must try to find them.
Flying kites
    Kites have quite a long history. The earliest kites were made of wood, instead of paper. The three most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite and Weifang kite. Each has its own feature. For example, the bird­shaped kite with long wings is a special kind of the Beijing kite.
Watching shadow plays(皮影戏)
    The closest thing to watching a film during ancient times was going to see a shadow play. The artists control puppets(木偶) behind the screen and tell stories to the music.
71.According to the text, the game of kicking a stone ball was    
Aplayed in summer
Blike flying kites
感冒通 打一成语Cinvented in Beijing
Dpopular in North China
72How is hide­and­seek usually played?
AOne plays and others watch.
BOthers laugh and one must cry.
COthers hide and one tries to find.
DOne runs and others try to catch.
73What does the underlined word  feature mean in the text?
A.特征              B.地貌
C.五官              D.影片
74Which ancient game is like watching a film?
AKicking stone balls.
BFlying kites.
今年母亲节CPlaying hide­and­seek.
DWatching shadow plays.
Job interviews can be very different from country to country. An interviewer's body language and questions, and the form of an interview are not the same around the world.
If you're at a job interview in Japan, don't look directly into the eyes of the interviewer. It is considered impolite. But if you're at an interview in the US, you should make eye contact(交流) with the interviewer. If you don't, the interviewer may think you are not sure about your ability.
In the US and some other countries, interviewers aren't supposed to ask questions about family and personal information. In most countries, however, personal questions are very common during job interviews.
In Germany, your interview might begin with a very short conversation followed by a formal(正式的) interview. In Mexico and many other countries, the whole interview might not be formal.
75In Japan, looking directly into the eyes of the interviewer is    
Aboring              Bimpolite
Chumorous          Ddangerous
76What is suggested at an interview in the US according to the text?
ASitting by the interviewer.
BMaking eye contact.
CTalking about family background.
DAsking personal information.
77In     a short talk usually begins before a formal interview.
AJapan              Bthe US
CGermany          DMexico
78In which part of a magazine can we read the text?
AScience.          BGeography.
CCulture.              DSports.
It's a cold, grey Sunday afternoon in March. The British are all working in their gardens. They're digging, cutting leaves and planting new seeds(种子). By summer, their gardens will be full of bright colors.
The British love their gardens. A British newspaper recently asked people for their opinions about them. Around 70% of the people felt it was important to spend time in the garden, and over 50% of these described gardening as the most enjoyable thing they ever did.
Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a garden. People who live in houses without gardens often rent(租用) land from the government.
At first, only very rich people had gardens. You can still see the gardens around houses w
ith a long history, such as Chatsworth House or Castle Howard. In the early twentieth century, however, gardening became a hobby. People bought different kinds of seeds and plants for their gardens. Although roses, sunflowers and tomatoes are often grown in British gardens, they originally(起初) grew wild in other countries.
Every year, there are competitions for the largest vegetables, but don't expect to win: Britain's biggest carrot is almost six meters long.
79In summer, British gardens are often    
Afull of people digging there
Bcolorful with different plants
Ctoo hot for people to work there
Dcovered with grey leaves and plants
80A recent survey showed that     of the British felt it important to do some gardening.
Aaround 70%          Bover 50%
Conly 20%              Dabout 10%
81We can infer from Paragraph 4 that    
Aseeds were provided for free
Broses were first grown in Britain
Cgardening is a hobby in the world
Dthe owner of Chatsworth House was rich
82What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence?
AIt is easy to grow big vegetables.
BIt is hard to win the competition.
CThe carrot is much easier to grow.
