Long time ago; there was a war in China.  The natives wanted to get the land back; which had belonged to them before.  However; the king of the nation didn't allow such a ridiculous thing; and the war finally broke.  Unfortunately; the odds were against China.  So the king decide to recruit soldiers.
      Unexpectedly; Mulan's father; who was old and weak; was chosen.  Know that her father was not equal to the mission; Mulan decided to dress gerself as a man to join the army instead of her fater.
      During the time in the army; she became acquainted wiht the captain; Li Shang; and she was deeply moved by his care for her.  After they won th ewar; she told the truth frankly to him; and Li Shang asked the king to spare her life for disguising herself as a soldier.
隐蔽的角落结局解析      In time; they fell in love with each other; got married and lived happily hereafter.
Scene I
Narrator:Long time age; ther was a war
德首:Get out.  The land doesn't belong to you.
  土酋:Hey ; he says this is his land.
土酋:We just get our land back.
德首:Go to hell; you barbarians.
德首:Fire  Kill them all.
德首:Just wait and see.  My son; Li Shang; will revenge himeself on you. 
路人甲:Your majesty; we are losing.  What can we do
陛下:Even if the odds are against us; we must keep going on.  Now; what we can do is recruit soldiers.
使者:Ouch; what are you doing  Are you Pat 
Pat: Yes.
使者: O.K.  I am the messenger from our great general; Li Shang.  This letter is confidential.  Please read it carefully.
Mulan: What's up  Daddy; you look so pale;
Mulan: Look
Mulan: My father is dying.  My brother is too young.  What can I do
路人甲乙丙丁:What can she do
Mulan: What can I do
Voice: You can go to the army instead of your father.   
电信报装宽带要多少钱 Mulan: But I'm a girl.
中国十大电动车品牌 Voice: Why not  You look like a man.
Mulan: Right  Good idea  I can't see the reason why a girl can't be a soldier to defend her own country.
Scene II
Narrator: Mulan began her life in the army.
士兵:Hey; don't cut in.  Line up.
士兵:Attention  This is our general; Li Shang.
Li Shang:just want you to follow three "A"s.  Thell them what three "A"s.
士兵:The three "A"s are "Apple; airplane; adult video."
Li Shang:The three "A"s are "Action; ability; and agility."-----understand
Li Dismissed.
士兵领队:Soldiers; follow me
士兵:Are you out of breath for running for a short time
士兵:You are a sissy boy.-------众:Sissy boy.
士兵:Look  He is so thin and so weak.  How can our country depend on him关于志愿者的英语作文
众:Ha; ha; ha
Li Shang:Hey; men  There is no time for you to chat 
Li Shang: Are you O.K.
Mulan:I'm all right.
Li Shang:Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.
Mulan: He is really a good guy.  I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to marry him.
士兵: Hey  Soldiers.  It's time for dinner.
士兵:Oh....food  Food---Hey; here is nothing for you.  Get away
Li Shang:唉...You are inferior to others in all aspects
Li Shang:This is for you.
Mulan:Thank you. Sir
Li Shang:
Go and eat there.
Mulan:He is really a good man.  In order not to disappoint him; I'll do my best to become stronger.
Narrator:After being humiliated and insulted by others; she was ashamed of her weakness.  So Mulan tried every way to strengthen herself.  She lifted weights and did push-ups.
Narrator:After a few months of
