< Beauty and the Beast (美女与野兽) >修改版
Play characters :
旁白(旁白): A
Beauty father 佩恩六道怎么死的(美女的父亲): B
Beauty sister (美女的): C
Beauty(美女): D
Beast (野兽): E
----------------------------- 剧本: ------------------------------
旁白: Hello, everybody. I am aside.
( 每个人依次介绍自己的角: I am ⋯ ⋯ )
旁白 : Today I will tell you an incredible story~返利网怎么返利
旁白: Action 1
( 出场人物:美女的父亲、美女的、美女 )
旁白: One day, beauty ’s father learned that all his ships had been los
t in a storm. He was penniless and would have to move to a tiny cottage
on the edge of the woods.
美女父亲 ( 依依不舍的 ) :I ’ m sorry, but all my ships had been lost in a s
torm, we have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods. My de
ar daughters, I must go to find another job.
美女 :Everything will be alright, daddy.
美女的: Where will you go, father? Don't leave us! We don't have an
y servants and the house is so small.
美女的父亲 :I must go to a faraway place, to talk a big business. If I t
alk succeed, then I will make very much money. And we can move back hom
美女的: What!? Oh yeah! Father, if you successful, please bring us
some pretty thing!
美女的父亲: 琢磨的近义词是什么?What pretty thing do you want, my dear children?
美女的 :I just want a diamond and a lot of beautiful cloth.
美女的父亲 任务栏输入法不见了:OK,I will bring them to you. And you,( 对着美女 ) my dear litt
le beauty, what do you want?
美女:I want a pretty flower, daddy. I'll miss you.
美女的父亲 :I'll miss you too. But I have to leave.( 转身离去 )
美女的 :Good bye, father, remember to bring me a diamond and beautif
ul clothe!
美女:Good bye, father, I'll very miss you!
旁白:Action 2:
( 出场人物 : 美女的父亲、野兽 )
旁白:The father of the beauty is going with the diamond and beautiful c
lothe, but there were no roses to be had in the town.
One day,he got a strange place. He finds he was lost his way. But a bi
g castle appeared in his eyes.
美女的父亲: Woo~~~ I did not know that this was here, I must really be
lost! It ’s so big and so beauty castle. ( 上前敲门 ) Hello! Please open
the door!( 发现门是开着的) the door has been opened.( 走了进去 )woo~~~so m
any delicious dishes, I'm so hungry now, I think the master of this cas
tle is a kind and warm heart man. Let me eat something.( 吃了起来 , 吃到一
半突然发现前面的花园有许多鲜花 )en? It ’s so many flowers! I shall bring
one to my little daughter beauty.( 走过去采花 )
美女的父亲 ( 被吓到):Oh~ !
野兽:How dare you! I have given you eating but I don ’胡歌发长文t think you are s
o greedy! I will kill you and eat you!
美女的父亲 :No! Please don ’潍坊怎么读t! I only picked a rose for my li ttle daught
er I have two daughters! If I die, they will very sad!
野兽:You have two daughters? Are they beautiful?
美女的父亲 :Beautiful! Beautiful! Very beautiful! My little daughter lik
e an angel!
野兽:Ok. Three days later to bring your little daughter to come here. I
want to see her! If you don ’t do it, I will kill you and eat you!
美女的父亲 :Oh~ no! Why?!
旁白:Action 3
( 出场人物 : 美女的父亲、美女的、美女 )
旁白: When the father of beauty completed his business, he was going ho