TOM:Hi John. How are you? (你好吗,JOHN刘德华黑社会电影?)
John:I'm fine. And you?(我很好,你呢?)
Tom:I'm fine,too. Where are you going?(我也很好,你准备去哪?)
John:I am ging to the library. We will take english examination next Friday. So I want to review lessons.(我正准备去图书馆,下周五我们有一个英语考试。所以我想去复习功课)
Tom:Hope you will get a good grade.(希望你能够取得好成绩)
John:Thank you very much.钺怎么读(非常感谢你)
Tom:What will you do after finishng reading?(看完书你准备做些什么?)how to learn english
母亲节手抄报内容大全John: I dn't know. I don't have a plan now.(我不知道,现在还没有计划)
Tom:Would you like to play basketball with us?(你愿意和我们一起打篮球吗?)
John:Of course, I'd love to. When will you take it?(当然愿意,你们准备什么时候开始?)
Tom:Around in the school gymnasium.(下午四点在学校体育馆)
John: Ok. I will come on time.(好的,我会准时到的)
Tom:Ok.It's time to go. See you.(好的,该走了,再见)
John:See you.(再见)
