46. 没有受过高等教育的年轻人只能到低技术的工作
正确的句子:Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working in low-skilled jobs.
我的句子:Young people without highbred没有这个单词 education can only get没有seek和find正式 low-skilled jobs.
People who do not have tertiary education qualifications / receive an tertiary education(较正式)....
Tertiary education qualifications高等教育  或(higher / further education
Qualification 文凭(可数n)
Degree 学位 (postgraduate degree) certificate 证书(eg. 计算机二级)
Low-skilled 低技术的(洗车  清理花园类) (labour 没有young labour 的表达 有skilled labour 这里的labour是不可数名词)
Skillful 擅长做…(尤其是需要特殊技能的)
Hi-tech / low-tech 高技术含量 / 低技术含量
到工作:find jobs / find employment / seek jobs /seek employment /end up working(词伙)
End up doing sth 以...结束
Receive tertiary education qualifications 缺少an 且不应加 qualifications  或用have tertiary education qualifications
:Young people who do not have tertiary education qualifications (receive an tertiary e
ducation) normally find low-skilled jobs.
Without education(没有教育,不能体现个体,单个人) 语义不准确  没翻译出高等教育 应该用tertiary education qualifications
Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally find low-skilled jobs.
47. 一些人不支持转基因食品
正确的句子:Some people disapprove of genetically modified food.
我的句子:Genetically modified foods are not supported语义上没有disapprove好 by some people
Genetically modified 转基因  adv 修饰adj eg. Environmentally friendly.环境友好型
Genetically engineered food 转基因食物  此处food不可数 不应加s
Disapprove (vi)of 反对  通常指事情本身是坏的。
Disapprove (vt)不同意
Support (agree and help)同意并帮助 若用do not support 不恰当 不同意和不支持意思相差较远
Object n / v
N. 可数 表示物品
V (vi)一般接to 表达 oppose,有disapprove of 意思
Objection UN. 反对 / objective adj 客观的 (主观的是subjective)n.目的
Support 为实义动词 一句话有两个动词! 且用词不准确 建议用disapprove
若想用do not support且表达出不好的意思=等于disapprove of 可后接从句解释,说对人身体不好,这样就可以一样了~
:Some people do not support genetically modified food because it does harm to people’s health.
正确的句子:Tourist spots endeavor to cater for tourists' tastes and needs.
我的句子:Tourist attractions do their best一般四六级才这么表达 to fulfil实现 visitors’ needs and tastes
旅游景点:Tourist spots / tourist attractions / tourist sites / places of interests
Endeavor (vi)to do sth 竭力,努力
Cater for 满足,迎合
或tailor to 满足别人的需求右眼皮跳是什么预兆呢 或meet 或satisfy
游客visitors / tourists 但不要用customers 顾客
Taste 和 need 应用复数因为游客品味和需求是不同的
Demand 为经济学中的需求 是不可数n eg. Demand剑网3 修为 for housing 住房需求
Give priority to 重视 to 为介词 后接v-ing satisfy应改为satisfying 这里的travellers指经常旅行的人 和游客意思不一样
:Tourist sites give priority to satisfying visitors’ needs and tastes
People 所有格有问题 缺少’s
有生命’s 无生命 用the of 所属关系表示
改:Tourist spots make an effort to meet people’s needs and tastes.
正确的句子:In a highly competitive society, working adults usually focus on career advancement.
我的句子:In a highly competitive society, people with work中式表达 take care of=look after照顾 career development.
竞争激烈highly(等于very) competitive 副词修饰形容词
Society 可数n 别裸奔
有工作的人Working adults / people
关注:concentrate on / pay attention to (to是介词)/ focus on (介词) 后接n 不要直接接动词原形
黄山市旅游景点往往:normally / usually
Always 为一直都保持一个状态不改变 (慎用)
Job/ career prospects 职业前景(词伙)prospect在这里是将来成功的机会 所以这里的prospect是复数形式
Job opportunities 工作机会 / career advancement / career development  职业发展或前景(词伙)
In the fierce competition 表达较奇怪 要么intense competition 要么 in the fierce competitio
Concern about 不准确 concern一般用法为concern yourself about sb  此句应用concentrate on / pay attention to / focus on
:In a highly competitive society, working people give priority to优先考虑 take care of career development.
Adults working 表达不对 是 working adults
:In a highly competitive society, working people pay attention to career development.
正确的句子:Perception of beauty differs from culture to culture.
我的句子:Perception of beauty is different because of different cultures. 可以这么写 但
the sense of beauty美感
Perception 感知
211 985大学是什么意思审美观Perception of beauty
Differ from / vary from不同(动词)
Culture 表示不同文化可数n
表示一种文化时用单数 eg. 西方文化
From A to B, A B不同,两者都用单数
挨家挨户光盘行动宣传标语 from house to house
Result from 由什么导致
Result in 导致百骏图
Vary 为动词 一句有两个动词
From culture语意表达不准确
:Perception of beauty is different from culture to culture.
正确的句子:Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an astounding pace over the past decades.
