上海高考英语题型训练:十一选4 2020高三第一学期期末质量抽查
Section B
Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
Is it possible to make paper without trees? Australian businessmen Kevin Garcia and Jon Tse spent a year researching a possible __31__ that could serve as a possible raw material for making paper. Then Garcia read about a Taiwanese company making commercial paper out of stone and a(n) __32__ struck.
A year later, in July 2017, they launched Karst Stone Paper. The company produces paper
without using wood or water. Their source is stone waste __33__ from construction sites and other industrial waste dumps.
“If you look at the whole process of how paper is traditionally made, it __34__ chopping trees, adding chemicals, using lots of water and then __35__, drying and flattening it into sheets of paper,    “ said Garcia. "It contributes to high carbon emiss
and deforestation. ”
In 2019, Garcia estimates Karst paper production has helped save 540 large timber trees.(成材木)from being deforested, 83,100 liters (21,953 gallons) of water from being used and 25,500 kilograms (56,218 pounds) of carbon dioxide from being __36__.
“We collect disposed limestoneH灰石)from wherever we can find it, wash it, and grind it into fine powder, “ he said. The powder is mixed with a HDPEresin 度聚乙烯树脂)    ,which __37__ over time from sunlight, leaving only calcium
carbonate (碳酸钙)behind.
The paper can be as thin as notebook paper or as thick as a cardboard paper and is waterproof, __38__ and difficult to tear. The notebooks cost $10 to $25. Karst ' s products are mainly sold through the company    ' s website, but are also stocked in 100
stores, __39__ throughout Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom.
“ Over 70% of theustomers are US -based, " he said.
国标舞蹈The hope to have the notebooks in 1,000 stores by the end of the year. Garcia said they are now thinking about __40__ investors for the first time in order to scale up their operations. They declined to reveal how much the company makes or their annual revenue.
A. access B. arise C. attachment D. definitely E. partner
F. potential G shape H. stimulated I. subconsciously J. traditional K. unbanked
Beyond Mobile Money: The Future of Asia s FinTech
Mobile money has been the hottest part in financial technology for the last few years. But FinTech is more than just how people store money and transact交易)山楂糕的家常做法-- the space is much more horizontal, short cutting how we create, share, and protect value.
The latest product of FinTech companies to __31__ in Asia Pacific illustrates the many ways the space can help consumers beyond just their mobile wallet. It is important for all businesspersons to be aware of these trends, as their success opens up all sorts of possibilities for companies to __32__ with them. And, on a much deeper level, new FinTechs may __33__ consumer expectations in even other tech industries.
The Smart-phone Emerges a Credit - Scoring Standard
With close to half a billion __34__ consumers in Southeast Asia alone, there is an entire industry of FinTechs devoted to finding ways to accurately determine their credit - worthiness to give them __35__ to finance. Unfortunately, since they don' t have bank ac
counts, such FinTechs cannot rely on __36__ financial information or credit card payments.
One credit scoring source emerging as a new standard in the field is smart-phone-based credit scoring. It has __37__ broad global support, including from the likes of the World-Bank. In one of its reports, the Asian Development Bank even stated that mobile data was a key to financial __38__, as it could improve customer recording, and, in turn, get an access to credit.
AI Combines with the Wisdom of the Crowd
快速去痘印的产品The most common slogan in today ' s tech headlines is the    " artificial intelligence.
Readers are fascinated with how AI has the __39__ to transform every consumer and enterprise 企业)industry. While such focus is appropriate that AI will __40__ change the world, it leaves out a crucial element that will go hand - in - hand with its rise: the wisdom of the crowd.
A. drew B. allowed C. result D. transformed E. physical
F. discovered G. effort H. figure I. respect J. fundamental K. mutual
Stephen Hawking: The Extraordinary Scientist Who Changed Our Understanding of Physics
There aren ' very many scientists who achieved rock star status. Stephen Hawking was definitely one of them.
Hawking was a theoretical physicist whose early work on black holes __31__ how scientists think about the nature of the universe. Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist from Arizona State University and a friend and colleague of Hawking's, says that at a young age. Hawking __32__ something “trulyremarkable "Kr auss says before Hawking , physicists thought that the large gravity of a black hole __33__ everything in and nothing could escape. But by combining quantum mechanics 量子 力学)and the theory of relativi
ty, Hawking showed something and changed everything about the way we think about gravity. Krauss says Hawking pointed out
