1. in one’s absence=in the absence of…
in one’s presence某人在场/当某人的面
2. have/gain/obtain access to…
3. by accident/chance=accidentally无意/偶然
on purpose = by intention /design
4. take…into account把…考虑之内
take account of…考虑到;顾及/体谅
give an account of…叙述, 记录
on account of…因为…
5. make great achievements
6. have a good knowledge of了解/通晓
7. in addition=additionally=besides并且
in addition to…除…以外(还有)
10. make adjustment to…对…作出调整
11. in advance=ahead of time预先,提前
make advances (in…)取得进步
12. take advantage of…=make use of
have an advantage over胜过,优于
at a(n)advantage/disadvantage
13. ask for one’s advice (on…)
follow/take/accept one’s advice
14. have an affection for..深爱
15. (high)on the agenda在议事日程上(居首)
17. reach an agreemen t/a consensus达成一致
in agreement/disagreement with(不)同意
18. with the aid/help/assistance of…
come to one’s aid/help/assistance
19. achieve / reach one’s aim
with the aim/purpose/intention of…
take aim at=aim at瞄准,以…为目的
20. set the alarm ringing敲响警钟
alarm clock闹钟
scream in alarm惊恐地
21. have no alternative/choice/option but to do sth别无选择只能…
21. on the air在广播/播送
铁树果的功效与作用in the air悬而未决;在空中;
22. a large amount of=large amounts of
a large quantity of=large quantities of
a large number of (接可数名词)
a good/great deal of(接不可数)
in large numbers/quantities大量地
23. in analysis of…在对…的分析中
24. make an announcement
26. in answer/reply to…作为...的答复
make/give no answer (to…)不回答
27. make an apology to sb
=apologize to sb(for)
owe sb an apology应向某人道歉
29. the apple of one’s eyes掌上明珠
30. make an appointment预约,约定
32. in appreciation of…感谢/欣赏…
33. have an appetite for…喜爱
34. the approach to sth/doing sth
35. make arrangements for…
36. upon/on arrival一到达
37. an article of clothing/clothes一件
38. be burnt to ashes烧成灰烬
39. in all aspects/respects在各方面
41. make assumptions (about…)假/臆想
42. make an attempt to do / at (doing) sth
44. pay attention to (doing) sth
focus / fix/concentrate attention on…
attract / draw one’s attention to…
45. hold a(n)…attitude towards/to…
46. under the authority of
47. on (the/an) average
48. keep / lose the balance
on balance 总的说来
(be) in the balance未定,不明朗
49. It is a real bargain真划算/真便宜
52. on the basis of…根据;基于…
on a regular basis =r egularly
53. have a bath/ =bathe洗澡
Have a shower冲澡/淋浴
54. at the beginning/end of…
in/at the beginning /end开始/最后
55. be of benefit to=be beneficial to
for the benefit/good/interest of…
=for one’s benefit/good /interest
56. do/try one’s best (to do sth)
at one’s best /worst在某人最佳/糟状态
57. 比较:pay the bill
cover the cost/expense
58. at birth出生时
give birth to…生/养..
59. (be ) in the black赢利
(be) in the red赤字,亏本
61. take the blame (for …)承担(…)责作
put / lay the blame on sb=blame sb
63. on board在船(火车、飞机)上
64. a boom in…在…繁荣
65. take/have a break/rest
66. make a breakthrough
67. take a deep breath=breathe deeply
hold one’s breath屏住呼吸
catch one’s breath恢复正常呼吸
be out of breath气喘吁吁
take one’s breath away使某人惊叹
a breath of spring迹象/气息
68. in brief=briefly
69. bear the burden of..
70. a burst of anger/laughers爆发一阵
盂兰神功71. on business出差
It is none of your business不关你的事
Mind your own business少管闲事
72. launch/start a campaign
74. take care of=look after
75. in case of fire…万一发生…情况
in that case在那种情况下,那样的话
76. 比较:pay in cash用现金支付
pay by credit card用信用卡支付
77. take caution=take care=be careful
80. in celebration of…
81. a chain of…一连串的…
chain stores连锁店
84. for certainty=for sure=certainly/surely
85. be a challenge to sb
86. take/seize/grasp the chance
Chances are that从句: 很可能
=There is a chance that从句
87. for a change换换口味; 改变一下
88. in chaos混乱;纷乱
89. take charge (of…)
be in charge of
be in the charge of
free of charge
90. have a chat with sb=chat with sb
91. make a claim提出索赔/要求/声称
97.upper class上流社会
议economy class(飞机的)经济舱位
98.feet of clay泥足/潜在的致命弱点
98. around the clock日夜不停地
99. off the coast/shore在海面上/邻近海岸
99. a collection of大量的;...收藏集
< to college/university
102. a combination of…的结合
103 . live in comfort=live comfortably
bring comfort to sb
104. have a good command of精通/掌握at on e’s command由某人控制105.make comments on=comment on 106.…承诺…
107.have sth/nothing in common
in common with…与…相同/一样108.have communication withsb
=communicate with sb
109.keep sb company=accompany sb 和某人在一起
110.make c omparisons作比较
in comparison with=compared with 111.make compensation for
=compensate for=make up for 112.have a speech competition
113.make a complaint about/against…
=complain about/against
114.make/reach a compromise达成妥协115.raise one’s concern about…
116.draw/arrive at/reach a conclusion come to a conclusion
in conclusion=to conclude 总之 condition that从句:如果/条件是living /learning conditions条件
比较:in good/bad condition
in a good/bad state/situation 117.have confidence in…
=be confident of…
118.Congratulations to sb on sth
119.in connection with…与…有关120.达成共识
121.cause confusion造成困惑/混乱122.as a consequence/ result因此
as a consequence/result of…因为…
in consequence因此
in consequence of…由于,因为123.take…into consideration=consider..
(be)under construction
< the contrary
125.make c ontributions to=contribute to 126.in/under one’s control
=under the control of sb
Sth + (be) out of control失控
Sb+lose control of sth失去对…控制
take control over…控制
=bring…under control=control…127.at one’s convenience在sb方便时
=when it is convenient to sb
bring convenience to sb
128.in cooperation with sb 与某人合作have a successful cooperation合作成功129.around the corner在拐角处;即将来临130.in correspondence with…
与…一致;和…保持通信132.at the cost/price/expense of…
131.in the countryside/country在乡村132.in the course of…在…过程中
off the course偏离航线
the main course主菜
133mit crimes
134.at the crossing=at the crossroads 135.a cure for……的治愈方法
136.cause/do damage to…=damage 137.in danger of…处于…危险中
138.in the dark什么也不知道/黑暗中139.out of date过时的
up to date时新的
140.from dawn till dusk从早到晚 the deadline( for…)
142.It/That is a deal成交/说定了
143.have a debate about..=debate about.. 144.be in (heavy) debt负债(累累) 145.make a decision=decide
< the increase/rise上涨中
on the decrease/decline下降/衰退中147.do a good deed做好事
148.in defense of…保卫; 为..辩护 some degree/extent某种程度上receive a … degree获得…学位
by degrees=little by little=gradually 152. without delay=immediately
150.(much) to one’s delight
take delight in…以…为乐
151.in great demand 需求很大, 急需meet/satisfy one’s demands
152.departure time出发时间
153.be in depression 沮丧/抑郁
154.in depth深入/全面地
ten meters in depth=ten meters deep 155.give a description of…=describe…156.have a desire for…=desire…渴望urist destination旅行目的地/胜地158.in detail=at length= detailedly 159.a man of strong determination
=a determined man 160.with the development of…
<’s devotion to…热爱/奉献…162.keep a diary记日记
look up…in a dictionary
164.be on a diet /diets
make a difference (to…)有影响/作用166.have difficulty doing sth /with sth 167.in a dilemma进退两难,左右为难168.in the direction of…朝…方向去
under the direction of…在指导下169.people with disability=the disabled 170.at a discount打折
171.make a discovery
172.have a discussion about sthwith sb =discuss (about sth) with sb
173.be on display/show/exhibition 174.in the distance在远处
at a distance隔开一些,有相当距离175.…
=distinguish between…176.without doubt
There is no doubt of/about sth
There is no doubt that从句
177.dream a sweet/terrible dream
178.turn a deaf ear to=be deaf to…179.比较:on earth到底,究竟
on the earth地球上
182. (be)at ease (with sb)自在/安逸的
with ease=easily
180.practice economy厉行节约
< the edge of在…边沿;频临
on edge紧张不安
have an edge/advantage over优于.. 182.have an effect/impact/influence on..
=affect /impact/influence…
be in effect; take effect生效
bring/put…into effect使…生效183.make an effort (to do sth)努力…
spare no effort不遗余力
=make every effort
186. put/lay emphasis on=emphasize强调184.put/bring…to an end 结束…
=put an end to…=end…
make ends meet使收支相抵
185.make an enemy (of…)树敌
make friends with sb
186.be the envy of…是…忌妒的对象out of envy出于忌妒
187.a piece of equipment(不可数)
a piece of furniture
188.a narrow escape侥幸逃脱
189.sit / take an exam
have a medical examination检查身体190.take…for example
set sb an example=set an example to sb
follow one’s example学习榜样191.in exchange for…
192.There is no exception没有例外193.make up an excuse (for…)借口194e into existence存在,产生195.live up to /meet /reach one’s expectations 达到某人期望
beyond expectation出乎意料
196.at one’s expense =at the expense of…
197.be an expert at/in=be good at…198.give an explanation of…=explain…’s exposure to曝露于/接触/了解 to extremes走极端
201.turn a blind eye to=be blind to.. 202.in(the) face of=faced with=facing…203.in (actual) fact==in reality
=as a matter of fact=actually
204.power failure电力故障
uefi bootliver failure肝脏衰竭
failure in exams考试失败/不及格205.have f aith in…相信,信任
206.earn / gain fame赢得/得到声名207.out of fashion过时
in fashion时尚,流行
208.find fault with…挑剔; 岔子
be at fault有毛病/有过错带有草字头的字
209.do sb a favor帮某人
do sb the favor of…帮某人…忙
(be)in favor of…支持;偏爱
210.for fear of…害怕/担心; 为避免211.have a fever发高烧
212.make a fire生火
set fire to…=set…on fire放火烧213.a flight of stairs一段楼梯
214.a flood of letters一大批…
215.make a fool of…愚弄某人; 使出丑216.by force强迫地;靠武力
217.in the form of…以…的形式
fill in the application form填申请表218.seek one’s fortune出路/碰运气tell one’s fortune算命
make a fortune发财
219.make fun of=play tricks on取笑/捉弄It is great fun. What great fun it is.
for fun /pleasure为了消遣/为好玩225. in the future未来
in future以后,往后
221.in a gesture to do sth为了
222.have a gift for…=be gifted at/in…223.have a glance at=glance at…瞥一眼224.have a go/try (at…)试一试
225.achieve/reach one’s goal达到目标shoot a goal射门,进球
226.do sb good=do good to sb
do more good than harm弊大于利
