英    语    试    题
(考试时间:100 分钟;满分:90 分)
1.本试卷分为第 I 卷和第 II 卷两部分,共五大题。第 I 卷包含单项选择和阅读理解, 30 小题;第 II 卷包含综合填空 A、B、C,阅读表达 A、B 和书面表达。
I 卷(满分 30 分)
I.  单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。
1.Could you please put some in my cup? I’d like sweet coffee.
A.sugar    B. salt    C. ice    D. pepper
2.We should have breakfast every day to keep healthy.
A.a    B. an    C. /    D. the
3.Jack is happy. Ms. Wang, an excellent teacher, teaches math this term.
A.he    B. him    C. himself    D. his
4.It’s my daughter’s birthday today. She’s years old.
A.eighteen    B. eighteenth    C. the eighteen    D. the eighteenth
5.More and more people in Qingdao go to work subway now.
A.with    B. on    C. in    D. by
6.This book be Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on it.
A.can    B. may    C. must    D. might
7.    Anna    her brother like listening to soft music.
A.Both; and    B. Neither; nor    C. Either; or    D. Not only; but also
8.Allen always behaves    , so many people like him.
A.easily    B. politely    C. friendly    D. lively
9. I can’t find my mobile phone.
Don’t worry. Maybe you    it at home.
A.forgot    B. missed    C. lost    D. left
10.It is raining heavily,    none of the students are late for school.
A.although    B. but    C. so    D. because
11.Mount Lao is one of    mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it every year.
A.famous    B. the more famous    C. most famous    D. the most famous
12.Larry hopes    his English, so he keeps practicing it every day.
A.to solve    B. solving    C. to improve    D. improving
13.As students, we should    ourselves. We can’t spend much time playing computer games.
A.be responsible for    B. be proud of    C. be popular with    D. be thankful to
14. It’s time to work now.
OK. I’ll wake Carl up. He    for an hour.
A.has fallen asleep    B. has been asleep    C. fell asleep    D. falls asleep
15. I don’t know    tomorrow.
You can ask our teacher right now.
A.if we take the bus there    B. when will we leave
C. what will we do    D. how we will go there
II.  阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳选项。A 篇为判断正(A)误(B)题,B、C 为选择题。
Sometimes 圣斗士之紫目邪龙people cry when they are sad. Other times people cry tears of joy. But your eyes make tears all the time, whether you are crying or not. Do you know
the tears母亲节想对妈妈说的话 help keep your eyes healthy? They keep your eyes from drying out. A special area of the eye drips (滴) all the time. It keeps the eye humid.
If you look in a mirror, you can see tiny holes in the corners of your eyes. Each hole leads to a small tube that runs to your nose. Tears run slowly into this tube drip by drip. Day an
d night the
holes drain (流走) the tears away. If they didn’t, you would always look as if you were crying.
If you begin to cry, there are many more tears. The holes can’t drain all of them. Then extra tears run out onto your face.
Tears help keep eyes safe. If there is something harmful in the air, the eyes fill with tears. These tears coat your eyes. They keep the harmful air out.
Contact lenses (隐形眼镜) can make the eyes too dry. Some people have to add tears to their eyes.
They buy bottles of eye drops to keep their eyes wet.
16.Eyes make tears no matter how people feel.
17.When you cry, tears run into your nose or onto your face.
18.If there is something harmful in the air, tears protect your eyes by covering them.
19.Contact lenses make you have more tears in your eyes.
20.Tears are harmful to your eyes.
Living places
The home of the elephant is in the deep forest. It is the largest of all land animals, and is found both in Asia and Africa. One of the main places in Asia where the elephant lives is the island of Ceylon. The huge forests on the island become the home of thousands of elephants. The trees grow thick and tall. They make many parts almost dark, while bright sunlight is above and around them.
Living habits
The elephant likes the deep part and the coolest places of the forest. There he will stand swinging his ears, to drive away the flies; or he will pull down a branch怎么下载电影到电脑 (树枝) from a tree to fan himself. He 考试吉祥话likes bathing, and to be near
a 广州展览展示lake or running water. There he takes in the water with his trunk, and spreads it all over his body.
The elephant enjoys the fruits in the forest, and also the leaves of the trees. There is plenty of food for him in the forests, though he is not always happy with what he finds there.
Way of movement
When a group of elephants moves about in the forest, the oldest goes first. The young elephants and their mothers are in the middle, where they are safest. Then all move along with a great noise, the branches of the trees bending and breaking before them. Though the elephant is usually harmless, no one dares to attack (袭击) a group of them moving through the forest.
How people treat them
In Asia the elephant is trained to work. At one time the African elephant also was trained. Soldiers in ancient 雨一直在下times often went to fight on the backs of African elephants. But now the elephant that lives in Africa is illegally (非法地) hunted mainly for its valuable ivory. In order to protect them,
governments around the world have developed laws to stop this.
21.The elephant likes the part of the forest.
A.bright and sunny    B. deep and cool    C. dry and deep    D. wet and sunny
22.Elephants like to do the following things except    .
A.bathing    B. having fruits    C. eating leaves    D. harming people
23.Why are young elephants and their mothers in the middle while moving?
A.To keep safe.    B. To avoid making noises.
C. To break the trees.    D. To walk faster.
24.What is the African elephant now mainly hunted for?
A.Working for people.    B. Fighting in the army.
C. Performing for people.    D. Selling for money.
25.Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Many Asian elephants live on the island of Ceylon.
B.Elephants drive away the flies by using their ears.
C.Elephants are always happy with the food they find in the forest.
D.A group of moving elephants make people scared, although they are harmless.
When your dream is to become a footballer and play for Barcelona, nothing should get in your way even if you have no feet.
