With the continuous development of China's social economy, the demand for medical security has conti
nued to expand. The medical insurance market has gradually become an extremely important part of the personal insurance market, but some problems have gradually emerged in the process. However, high-end medical insurance solves the problems of basic medical insurance and general commercial medical insurance with extensive medical network and comprehensive high-quality insurance. Therefore, high-end medical insurance is a highly personalized product and is subject to high net worth by China. extensive attention.
On the basis of expounding the emergence and development of high-end medical insurance in China, this paper introduces the status quo of the high-end medical insurance market and the content of mainstream products in the market. Combined with the current progress of high-end medical insurance, this paper analyzes the different situations in different regions and points out that The existing problems, drawing on the experience of foreign developed countries in high-end medical and private medical insurance systems, propose corresponding solutions. That is, the regulatory agency clarifies the positioning of high-end medical insurance and strengthens market supervision; the market supply entity strengthens business management capabilities and product innovation capabilities; consumers regulate their own behavior. Only the regulators and the various entities in the market fully perform their duties, and mutual coordination and mutual promotion are the prerequisites for ensuring the steady development of high-end medical insurance.
Key words:High-end Medical Insurance; Medical Resources; Third Party Administrator; Direct Payment Network
第1章绪论 (1)
1.1  选题背景与意义 (1)
1.2 文献综述 (2)
1.2.1 国外文献研究综述 (2)
1.2.2 国内文献研究综述 (3)
1.3 研究内容与研究方法 (5)
1.3.1 研究内容 (5)
1.3.2 研究方法 (6)
1.4 本文的创新与不足 (6)
第2章高端医疗保险的界定及相关概念辨析 (7)
2.1 高端医疗保险相关概念界定 (7)
2.1.1 高端医疗保险 (7)
2.1.2 高端医疗保险中的第三方管理 (8)
2.2 高端医疗保险与其他健康险的对比分析 (9)
2.2.1 高端医疗保险与传统重疾险 (9)
2.2.2 高端医疗保险与百万医疗保险 (10)
造谣罪2.3 小结 (12)
第3章高端医疗保险的产生与发展 (13)
3.1高端医疗保险产生的动因 (13)
3.1.1 高端医疗保险的供给层面 (13)大专生自我鉴定
3.1.2 高端医疗保险的需求层面 (15)
3.2 高端医疗保险中第三方管理的引入 (16)
3.2.1 引入第三方管理的动因 (16)
3.2.2 第三方管理的运作流程 (18)
3.3 我国高端医疗保险产品的保障内容 (19)
3.3.1 地域保障范围 (19)
3.3.2 医疗保障范围 (20)
3.3.3 直付医疗网络 (21)
3.3.4 预授权规定 (22)
3.3.5 全球医疗救援 (22)
3.3.6 附加增值服务 (23)
3.4 我国高端医疗保险的发展现状 (24)
3.4.1 直付医疗网络建设有待完善 (24)
3.4.2 高端医疗保险产品不断推出 (24)
3.4.3 高端医疗保险市场发展遭遇瓶颈 (25)
3.5 主流高端医疗产品对比 (25)
3.6 小结 (27)
第4章高端医疗保险发展中存在的问题 (28)
4.1 法律与监管制度不完善 (28)
4.1.1 对第三方管理的法律规定与监管制度不完善 (28)
4.1.2 对第三方管理机构的监管存在难度 (29)防雹弹
4.2 医疗资源分布不均衡 (29)
4.2.1 医疗资源地域分布不均 (29)
4.2.2 医疗资源层次分布不均 (30)
4.3 高端医疗保险产品的依赖度过高 (30)
4.3.1 经验数据不足,专业人才匮乏 (30)
4.3.2 依赖国外成型产品,缺乏产品创新 (31)
4.4 高端医疗保险存在无法提供长期性保障的风险 (31)
4.5 消费者的自身素质与消费观念有待提高 (32)
4.5.1 消费者对高端医疗保险缺乏信任 (32)
4.5.2 逆选择与道德风险问题严重 (32)
4.6 小结 (33)
第5章完善高端医疗保险的对策建议 (34)
好书推荐卡5.1 完善相关法律,强化市场监管 (34)
5.1.1 明确法律地位,规范市场行为 (34)
5.1.2 强化对第三方管理机构的监管 (34)
5.2 充分开发医疗资源,建立新型医疗服务机制 (35)
5.2.1 加强第三方管理与医疗机构的服务融合 (35)
5.2.2 放宽医生执业限制,充分利用社会医疗资源 (36)
5.3 提升保险公司与第三方管理机构的业务能力 (36)
5.3.1 增强保险公司与第三方管理机构的信息管理能力 (36)
5.3.2 提高保险公司的产品研发能力和创新力 (37)
5.4 为消费者合理制定后备保险计划 (37)
5.5 加强对消费者的正确引导 (38)
5.6 小结 (38)
结论 (39)
参考文献 (40)
致谢 (42)
