I.Listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1.  A.She is using a wrong study approach.
B.She has failed the final exam.
C.She hasn’t finished the reading task.
D.She hasn’t listed the study difficulties.
2.  A.The job pays poorly.
B.The woman is satisfied with her new job.
C.The woman can’t bear too many business travels.
D.The woman decides to quit her new job.
3.  A.They should drive Jack’s car this time.
B.She is not interested in spending the weekend in London.
C.She is not good at driving.
D.She would rather spend the weekend locally.
4.  A.She would soon dine at the restaurant.
B.She didn’t prefer juicy food.
C.The steak was not tasty.欢乐狼人
D.She lived opposite the restaurant.
5.  A.10dollars.  B.20dollars.  C.120dollars.  D.240dollars
6.  A.In a paint store.  B.In a wine shop.
C.In a laundry.
D.In a press agency.
7.  A.They rarely wear heavy coats.
B.It’s normally cold in March.
C.It’s easy for the man to catch a cold.
D.It’s warm now.
8.  A.The crime scenes were presented well.
B.It was not interesting at all.
C.Some clues were leaked before the woman saw it.电脑怎么关不了机
D.Most audience guessed out the ending.
9.  A.The man is too picky about food.
B.The man should anyhow eat breakfast.
C.The milk is too cold for the man.
D.The man shouldn’t skip before eating.
10.  A.She won’t start a salon.
B.She will set up a comfortable zone in her salon.
C.She earns a lot as a hair dresser.
D.She specializes in managing businesses.
Section B
Directions:In Section B,you will hear two passages and one longer conversation.After each passage
or conversation,you will be asked several questions.The passages and the conversation will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions11through13are based on the following passage.
11.  A.Greatly reducing the chance of delay.
B.Giving you a perfect flight.
C.Offering you more time to pack.
D.Securing a flight seat.
12.  A.Because you can give your food to the gate attendant.
B.Because in many cases,food is not available at airports.
C.Because you can feel better when you are delayed.
D.Because you can share your food with other passengers.
发动机故障灯亮是什么原因13.  A.To introduce a new friend to you.
B.To arrange a possible replacement flight for you.
C.To share with you your negative feelings.
D.To arrange a ticket refund for you.
Questions14through16are based on the following passage.
14.  A.It provides a pain-relieving tool.
B.The heels(鞋跟)can be changed easily.
C.The heels click loudly on the dance floor.
D.It’s convenient to carry the heels.
15.  A.It’s only available to dancers.
B.It’s not available outside Europe.
C.It is an imaginary product.
失眠的句子D.It is very expensive.
16.  A.The special shoes for dance floors.
B.A shoe product in different colors.
C.Shoes accompanied with various heels.
D.A kind of special flat-heeled shoes.
Questions17through20are based on the following conversation.
17.  A.Items from food tasting event.
B.Souvenirs from the Palace Museum.
.  C.Regards from the Emperor.
D.Food from the Palace Museum’s online shop.
18.  A.The ancient recipe.  B.The24solar terms.
C.The old palaces.
D.Emperor Qianlong.
19.  A.The food powder.  B.Chinese traditional medicine.
C.The cookies.
D.The nuts.
20.  A.Food which is easy to go bad.
B.Items not allowed on planes.
C.Traditional Chinese food.
D.Items favored by most online customers.
II.Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.
My community and state are still recovering from the recent disaster.A storm (21)______(strike)on a Friday evening,knocking down trees,blocking roads,damaging homes, and destroying power lines.
Hundreds of thousands of people suddenly found themselves in the dark(22)______water, electricity,air conditioning,and internet.They found themselves cut off from the modern world.
(23)______(endure)90degree plus heat,they had no idea when it would be over.
However,the most amazing thing happened.(24)______the reality of the crisis sank in,it brought out the best in us.While there were a few acts of selfishness,they(25)______(overlook) amid the wave of love that came from the hearts of so many.
People shared their food,ice,and gasoline.People who still had power opened their homes to
(26)______who had none.People rushed out to clear roads and homes of fallen trees.Selfless power engineers worked around the clock to repair the damage and restore electricity.
People gathered in their gardens(27)______they shared hugs and offered words of hope and faith that they would see themselves through it all.Strangers came together as one family to help each other in this time of great need.Most people acted like heroes under the most difficult circumstances.
Life's disasters challenge all of us from time to time with no one(28)______(spare).
How we respond to them,however,is up to us.We(29)______react to them like evils of selfishness or like heroes of love.May you always bring the best from your heart to(30)______ life may throw at you then!
Section B
Directions:Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.
Fashion has always been at the forefront of innovation—from the invention of the sewing machine to the rise of e-commerce.Like tech,fashion is forward-looking and cyclical.
And today,fashion technology is growing at a faster pace than ever.大年初一吉祥话简短的
Robots that sew and cut,AI algorithms(算法)that forecast style trends,clothes that are worn in virtual reality—a collection of innovations show how technology___31___the fashion design process.
To seize the opportunity to produce more income___32___and business models,fashion companies try to___33___with technology providers,grab startups,and even build their own tech.
Meanwhile,as the industry faces an overdue count of its environmental and social impacts,it is reexamining processes across the value chain in an attempt to reinvent itself.
For example,artificial intelligence will reshape brands’approach to product design and development,with a focus on the___34___of what customers will want to wear next.But algorithms aren’t taking the place of human designers any time soon.If there’s anything that fashion houses’experiments have shown,it’s that human involvement is___35___to commanding the new ideas provided by AI and translating them into appealing,wearable clothes for now.
Tech companies are pouring in.One IT giant has already tested the water of user-driven AI fashion design with Project Muze.The project trained a system to understand___36___colors and style preferences,based on trend data___37___from an online fashion platform.From there, Project Muze used an algorithm to create designs to tailor to customers’real needs.
As a new player,another e-commerce giant,with the project Lab126,is trying to learn about a particular fashion style and then create similar___38___.Without designers or past experiences, it’s like creating from scratch.If that sounds like“fast fashion for sale,”it’s because it probably is.The company has already___39___a manufacturing system to make on-demand clothes-making a reality.
Of course,the outcomes of these AI designs aren’t always runway-ready.Many designs created for users of Project Muze were unwearable drafts and some people consider the designs of the Lab126___40___.
III.Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Against all our wishes,advertising works,which is why,even in hard economic times,Madison Avenue is a$34-billion–a–year business.And if Martin Lindstrom,a marketing consultant is correct, trying to___41___the advertisement is about to get especially hard.
83%of all forms of advertising principally___42___only one of our senses:sight.Hearing, however,can be just as powerful,though advertisers have taken only limited advantage of it. Historically,ads have relied on slogans(广告语)to catch our ear,___43___everyday sounds—a steak sizzling(发嘶嘶声),a baby laughing and other sounds we can't help paying attention to.Weave these everyday sounds into an ad campaign and we customers may be___44___to resist them.
According to Lindstrom,the everyday sound that is most impressive,both in terms of interest and___45___feelings,is a baby laughing.The other high-ranking sounds are also powerful-the sound of a car engine or a soda being poured.
In all of these cases,it doesn’t need an experienced advertisement designer to invent the sounds, associate them with meanings and then play them over and over until the subjects___46___them. R
ather,the everyday sounds already have meanings and thus can cause a kind of___47___:hunger, thirst or happy expectation.
Some TV ads have already given viewers close-up shots of meat with sizzling sounds.And retailers are___48___.Lindstrom is now consulting with clients,intending to pipe the sound of filtering coffee or fizzing soda into the drink department or that of a baby laughing sound into the baby-food section.
Of course,this doesn’t mean that advertisers can just press the audio button___49___and consumers will come eagerly.Indeed,sometimes customers flee.In the early years of cell-phone use,the ringtone(铃音)of a famous cell phone brand was recognized by many people in the U.K.,
